Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions for future content

Hello, today I was greeted by [GM]Orange In game. They asked for some suggestions I might have about improving the game. I got into some concepts nothing class balancing wise more content so there isn’t so much questing and such so some people can maybe take a break every once in a while. I’ll also list some they I didn’t talk to Orange about as well since it might have crossed my mind after the fact.

I wanted to see what some people had to say suggestions and their thoughts about it, So feel free to critique any of the suggestions.

Team Battle League

  • Re-balancing of skills in arena so they have stats just for PvP and have a set damage amount and duration. I think this would be helpful so matches aren’t lasting less then a minute if you have a high damaging class that can one skill you easily.
  • I would also like to suggest a Un-ranked PvP arena where you’re allowed to PvP anytime of the day with a party or just anyone in general by creating some type of lobby system so players can create rooms to spar and such. A variation in map selections wouldn’t be a bad idea either with the ability to set time, amount of rounds / stocks and maybe some type of mode as well like King of the Hill, Team Death match etc.

TP Shop Items

I suggested a few TP items that could be beneficial to people or at least I thought they would be.

  • Potential Protection item - Allows you to enhance without losing potential of the weapon // armor being attempted to enhance.

  • Costume Re-color item - An item that allows you to pick from a palette of colors and lets you recolor parts of the costume to colors you might want it to be instead.

  • Pet Accessory’s//Headgears//Colors// - I know this has been said probably multiple times already but, I wanted to put on emphasis it because, It’s something people could stand out by instead of everyone having the same factory build penguin bird or whatever.

  • Weapon Skins // Effects - I mean this is pretty much a given. I think this is the one thing people would like to stand out having a gimmick type weapon or something pretty cool with flashy effects seemed like a pretty cool idea.

  • Special Seed For Guilds - So to explain this one since it kind of already exists. It would be that you would purchase this item and harvest it in the guild hangout, Then you allow it to grow for about a month or so and all the guild members would come together and fight a boss but, The seed is a pretty strong world-boss grade monster and after being defeated, opens a special dungeon to collect special materials that you can exchange for special guild like items for example. Guild costumes, headgear’s, weapons/ weapon skins, timed equipment parts, pets etc.

  • PvE Content Suggestions

I suggested some things that could be nice to have in the PvE aspect as well.

  • Monster Tower - It would be a instance that is similar to Earth Tower (ET) Which would be accessible to anyone through beginning towns or a low-leveled areas which is reasonably available to most players. It would be a floor based instance that starts with pretty low leveled mobs and would increase each floor until you were incapacitated. and you would receive rewards depending on the floors you were able to complete. (Maybe like a chest every 5 floors containing various items.)
  • Weekly Special Dungeons - For this idea you would essentially have a special dungeon each day of the week that was available at certain times of the day and you could receive special items depending on the dungeon completed. You would be able to exchange these items from a NPC (Most likely Mage Association or Wings NPC.)

  • Daily Login / Daily//Weekly//Monthly Quests - This is pretty Self-explanatory, Do the quests obtain set reward. Same with the login.

  • Treasure Dungeon - This would only be available 2 times a week and would let you obtain a cube that gives you a random TP item or specially created headgear or items. I think it would be something to do when things the tedious Grinding/Dungeoning all the time.

  • Resting/Afk Type area - This area would allow you to afk and obtain a special type of buff according to the day of the week it would be something different. Ex. Enhance Success %, Item Drop rate %, Silver Drop Rate, EXP Rate, Etc.

  • Boss/World Boss Specific Costumes/Headgears - I think this can be done. While seeing during the Crystal Mines Quests Story boss “Mirtis” has a chance of dropping her mask. It gave me the idea “Why can’t other bosses drop costumes or headgears?” I think this would also give some variation for people looking a little bit different and not just the same as everyone else. Some min/maxing.

  • Gimmick Play maps - This could be something like a event-like map where they would use Mazes, Labyrinths, Special bosses, etc. You would be able to receive some type of reward, skill point, silver, etc.

  • 8 Man Raids - This would be fun fighting a really strong type boss where you would need to have a strategic approach and not just who can do the most damage and nuke the boss the fastest. This would have a kind of cool time the click of the switch so “set boss” is immobile and lets down shields so they can attack for a set amount of time. That would be pretty fun I would think.

  • Boss Rush Dungeon - Kind of Self-explanatory again. Kill bosses on a wave like set.

  • NPC Friendship System - So with this you would essentially collect random items from mobs and deliver them to NPC’s and they’ll appeal to certain items. They’ll gain a relationship level depending on how much you gift the NPC reward you back with items and buffs depending on your relationship with with the NPC.

  • A Daily Goddess Blessing - This would probably most likely be a EXP Increase for 30mins ~ 1 Hour depending but nothing to complicated.

  • A Mailbox system - Something to send players items or just direct messages in case you aren’t on at the time and need to send a message.

  • Guild Emblem - I’m actually surprised this hasn’t been implemented yet but, just a little tile of a picture and effect to represent a guild since its not just dull words.

  • Guild Summon - Giving "Templar" The ability to have a Protector of the guild tower during GvG Situations This would be like Sorcerers’ In a sense but only able to be used near a guild tower.

  • Talt Exchange - Being able to exchange set amount of talt for exchangeable items from a Dungeon NPC.

  • Crafts - It would be nice if IMC would be able to create a sub craft for people who aren’t dedicated “Utility” Classes and like to have that feel of crafting things. So, maybe they could introduce a type of Fishing, Cooking, Mining, Woodcutting. types of crafts that could be useful to these utility classes or just people in general.

  • More Gestures // Titles + Adding stats or effects to titles - This is kind of explanatory. But, adding stats to titles could maybe influnce people doing achievements to acquire certain titles.

  • Hit//Combo Counter - So kind of different I was thinking some kind of system where the higher hits you get the more xp you could get from mobs.

Holiday//Seasonal Events - This one might be kind of hard since we have different regions of the world using the same client game it would be hard to just localize the events.

Hopefully some of these suggestions are actually nice. Again please feel free to suggest and maybe help come up with some other suggestions to add. Thank you again for your time. :sweat_smile:

_Edit: Removed Gacha suggestion seeing to how IMC implemented it to ktos. _


Guild Creation Ticket at TP SHOP : Allow a non Templar Job to create a guild.

Allow Alchemist to open a shop to do awakening.

Reduce Price of item in TP Shop

Ice wall creation using mouse, click and drag to make the formation rather than clicking each box.

World Map include all quest list.

Event : Randomly town attack by a few BOSS monster in channel that is less people.

A monster BOSS orb, randomly summon a BOSS that validity for 60 - 90 minute.

Cryomancer Subzero Shield : Archer and Wizard shoot arrow or cast magic at near range can be freeze at 2%-5% success rate in PVP due to Archer got hiding skill.

The most important… Elementalist skill, Electrocute… I rather the lightning from from air and not from character hand… hahaha… i still love Lord of Vermillion from RO.


I want TP item that can transfer enhanced option from my old costume to a new one.

I want class resets.


I want IMC to fix FPS issues

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I feel like I would be repeating the same question they’ve heard a thousand times by now and give the "We’re working on it’ response so I didn’t even ask.

Reduce Map Load Size
The current game loads the whole area map, then place the players and objects onto the map. Based on how players can ‘teleport to completed quest npc’ without reloading the map if they are in the same map as the NPC, I assume that the game actually load everything in 1 go. By separating area maps into sections, the computer will have less work to do. Although this will probably make the game show ‘loading screen’ everytime a player is crossing the ‘section’ boarder, I’m sure this will greatly improve game performance. Better fps for the downside of more 'loading’s or bad fps for less 'loading’s? The answer should be obvious.

Reduce PC View Distance
Alot of the new games have such option where players can increase or decrease the detection range of the client PC, in which the PC will not detect or display anything further than that distance. By decreasing/limiting the view distance, less players and objects will be displayed at the same time. Since the FPS issue is greatly affected by ‘how crowded a place is’ AKA lots of stuff to display, this will surely help in some way. besides, this is probably something easier to implement than game code optimization.

In-game skills description
Update the descriptions with formula that includes stats. Apparently most skills are affected by stats but they are not mentioned.

Item durability
Make it so that players will only deal 1 damage to anything if weapon durability is 0. It is simply annoying to see those archer bots running around with 0 durability weapons because -50% damage is nothing. There are only a few ‘fixed’ places where players can repair their equipments(aka Blacksmith NPC). Since every moves of the bots have to be programmed, it is hard for them use the player repair stores, and player repair stores have finite repairs. By doing this, bots are pretty much forced to return to town for repair or constantly replace their weapons. This wont fix the whole botting thing because bots like those clerics actually repair their equipments…but hey why run around to report bots when you can simply force them to go to one of the few spots?

Archer Cash Shop Costumes
Why are the color of every archers costumes so dull except for the spring costume. I hope to see archer costumes with brighter colors.

Class Rebalance
There is a serious problem with class balance. By looking at the ‘prefered’ party member shouts, we can easily know where the problems come from.
Theres this line appears in almost every party recruitment shouts. “LFM> Healer/Linker/Pelt/DPS/AOE”

Healer/DPS/AOE are unspecific, they can be any circles as long they can do their jobs. Now there are 2 specific circles here, Linker and Pelt.

Linker Joint Penalty
This skill is a joke. Assuming the skill is made based on how Physical Link works, the mobs should ‘share’ the damage taken, which means the damage should be divided by the number of linked mobs. The more mobs you linked, the less damage they take. The current JP gives every linked mobs full damage making it such an overpowered skill. Not to mention if for example one of the 6 linked mobs get hit by Fletcher’s crossfire, the skill proc 6 base damage attacks, and together with another 6 explosion attacks…the hell…
Changing this might kill all linkers but I see the current JP as bugged.

If we divide the classes by roles, the cleric can heal(rank1 skill), archer can do long distance attacks, wizard can support the party with crowd controls(rank1~2 skills). Tanker isnt really needed especially in lower levels. So what can swordsman do? Taunt. Worse of all it is circle specific. If the swash buckling skill can be moved to rank1, swordman discrimination can be lessen.


release @haukinyau ?

i know im shameless, sue me please

joke aside, solid suggestion, great job.


I won’t say much about the class suggestions since there’s a bunch of things that should be changed with classes and I don’t want to make this into a thread bashing the design of classes.

So, I’d rather talk about the other suggestions you mentioned.

I suggesting the same thing on a larger scale than just "Archer" But, for all costumes for all classes

I can see this helping out a little bit, we could probably see this in a future update tbh.

I think that might be a little bit harsh, As a Non-bot player say you enter a dungeon forgetting to repair a weapon with 5 durability left and half way through the dungeon your weapon breaks leaving you useless to the rest of your party slowing them down. There’s probably a better way to combat that problem. Especially to fencers whose rapiers have extremely low durability and have their weapons break quite frequently.

That’s a good idea. Easier if they would have an more accessible way to see all of that information rather than scavenging around patch notes to find it all. :grin:

All great suggestions. But I really love the Boss Wave Dungeon suggestion. It’d be cool to go through waves of bosses that get harder and harder (instead of mobs). See how far you can go :D. I would imagine it getting crazy challenging with like 3+ bosses at once. Lol!


Yeah, I felt like it could be something that would be self-satisfying seeing as people are always competing with World bosses in general why not have a function that’s just all bosses.

this is a cool idea o.o

im a templar main, now i wanna kill myself

1 Like

Reason of killing yourself?

im a templar, now i wanna kill myself because everyone else can create guild…

templar1 templar2 skill is not all that usefull at all…

“I think that might be a little bit harsh, As a Non-bot player say you enter a dungeon forgetting to repair a weapon with 5 durability left and half way through the dungeon your weapon breaks leaving you useless to the rest of your party slowing them down. There’s probably a better way to combat that problem. Especially to fencers whose rapiers have extremely low durability and have their weapons break quite frequently.”

You can find player repair stores at almost every dungeon entrance. Players are smart. If they know there is a penalty, they will avoid it. Currently people dont bother too much about durability because -50% isnt a big deal, thats why they can forget to repair. Durability penalty exist in almost every games I’ve played. I cant remember which but one of the game I’ve played even have different durability penalty level based on the durability left, something like (100~70%/70~50%/50~15%/15~0%). This forced players to keep their weapons healthy all time. However, this is based on a game that can repair equipment in any shop and player can queue for dungeons from anywhere including the city so I can see how it might not fit.

You know, that should be in the game in the very first place. But IMC loves restrictions so thats why they make you waste a character slot just for making guilds.


Yeah, I’ve played games like that as well. Maybe something along the lines of placing traveler NPC’s That are by dungeon populated areas just for repairs , potions, etc.

thats why, me being masochist, i thought im noble or something coz i took the harder path…

turn out im just a big-fat-idiot …

thats why i troll in forum, coz i gotta make IMC pay some how

its grudge and personal now

grrrrrr huehuehue