Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions for Features by Best Car

Barusu here, would like to give a few personal suggestions and ideas for some of the current features and possibly future features of the game.

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To start off:

1.)Change Untradeable items into Account/Character bound ones.
To start off, Quest items, quest rewards and EXP cards and anything game-changing should be character bound. Things that aren’t weapons and armor bought from the AH should be Account bound. Untradeable recipes, items and materials gained from instance dungeons should be Account bound. Account bound items should true to their name be transferable from character to character through the use of Team Storage.

2.)Personal Shop Stalls with a fixed Market Channel
Give the players a chance to make their own stores, in a crowded channel/town, shouting their wares to their hearts content. Tax-free, commission fee-free and you can sell it at your own price, screw that highest and lowest price ****, bought items should still reduce potential(token users) or turn it into account bound items(non-token users). Stalls must be made through the use of a “Shop Pass” type item bought from that TP lady and it should have 3-6 vacant slots(non-token) and 10-12 slots(token).

3.Fixed War/PK Channels
Considering some if not, most of the player base crave to shower in the blood of their fallen enemies, why not? To make these channels contested and valuable, it should get a 1.5/2/3x multiplier on EXP, amount of silver and drop rate, higher spawn rate and areas with bosses get their timers halved(probably a bad idea). Everything that’s not a friend/party member/guild

4.Class/Circle Demotion(Just an idea for it, not saying it should be implemented… don’t torch me please)
So while I think class resets and the like are still bad ideas considering this is supposed to be a game where any build is plausible, I thought of an idea where a player can buy an item to erase his current circle/class and get “demoted” back to his previous one, said player will have to buy said item multiple times if he wants to demote to an even lower rank, regarding on class levels, devs can either turn them back to zero, so they still have to start from scratch and level the classes up or they can base it on accumulated class exp, granted there should be a minor-severe penalty for doing a “demotion”…like I dunno, no exp for a whole day?

5.Improved Boss Fight Mechanics(Major bosses like Demon Lords or what not)(This could go to raids though since it might be hard to do)
Remember Nephentes? Where you need to extract things from it three times before it kicked the bucket? Something like that, just make it a teeny weeny bit more epic, something like “break x to expose boss weakpoint” to “activate x to break boss defense and damage it” to “hit x while boss is in correct area to damage it”. Not only will this make bosses more interesting(or make it more of a hassle for multiple character players), it may encourage party play and socialization due to making soloing quests harder. Because bumrushing bosses makes the game look too easy.

6.Improved User Settings
Add things like “Maximum amount of players shown in cities” to things like “Automatically reject Duel/Friend(why)/Guild requests” or even a “Reject incoming whisper” button, granted some of these are anti-social, but the first one helps with the FPS drop lower spec computers get while inside cities and the last one eliminates those pesky RMT bot whispers.

7.Companions Slots
Give companions their own separate slots, 1 at default and around 3-5 bought with TP, while they may have made the current companion-slot-eats-character-slot thing for supposedly roleplay purposes(correct me if I’m wrong) and would be understandable if players stick to one character only… but for players that like making characters with different builds and bought like all 15 slots just to do said thing is a different story.

What if a player is eagerly waiting for that unreleased Shepherd class, with no slots remaining last slot being the future Shepherd, would said player have to screw his Cata and Falconer builds and euthanize his best pal/noble(ugly) steed and his trusty pet falcon? Does he have to give up his dream of owning being a Shepherd and owning a doggo? B-but there was a doggo at character creation, you can’t do this to us! Give us room in our house for our doggo. We need doggos in our lodges. (lmao)

Also since you need to buy slots through TP, you be happy while IMC gets funded, its a win-win situation.

8.Improved Guilds and Guild Wars
Participating in Guild Wars net you rewards ranging from EXP to Silver to special points for exclusive items, furthermore a guild/alliance(refer below) can take over one of the three cities(more if the game adds more cities in future updates) doing so will earn them a “Guild Income” said guild income is an accumulation of a portion of silver from every item bought from NPCs(Essentially you’re taxing the NPCs, while other players get away scot-free.), players part of the guild/alliance get discounts from the NPCs. City Occupation lasts for 15 days and needs an additional 15 days before it can be occupied again. Occupied cities may also get Sieged by opposing guild/alliances and whoever wins gets to keep the city, renewing the occupation time.

Templar C2/C3 is required to take over a city, and further upgrades to Guild Tower expands the interior and more auxiliary functions. Cities get a “Guild Hall” building which shows a list of the occupying guild/alliance and an option to visit their base. Also the guild war declaration limit is erased because refer below.

9.Guild Alliance
Guild Masters can form an Alliances with their guilds, 5/8 at max. Guilds that enter into an alliance, gets their guild income shared in proportion to the number of guilds present, they get an Alliance chat and when a guild declares war, all the allied guilds, except neutrals, also declares war against the opposing guild. When it comes to a new guild joining an alliance, Guild Masters vote whether certain Guild can join, majority wins, same as kicking a guild out, Guilds may also leave anytime they wish but by doing so they are not allowed to join another alliance for the next 30 days.

10.Improved Party System and Spawn Rate
Additonal 3/5 members making it a total of 8/10 players in a party, devs can go make additional party members into a R5/6 attribute or have it by default, included this to encourage parties to take all the classes and give everyone a good time.

Spawn rates should increase and respawn time should decrease in proportion to the number of players present in the map.

11.Whisper Box and Private Group Chats
Everytime somebody whispers you, it shouldn’t redirect to the whisper tab and changes the outgoing chat to a whisper, it could be the same notification and list you see from the whisper tab, but clicking their name opens the whisper box that is also present in the game. On Group Chats though, you can make a group on your friends list if I remember correctly, I suggest being able to open a chat group using that. -brain drains here-

12.Player Houses.
Make it Happen. Not lodges. Houses. A home that you can decorate, have the same characters in your lodge pose up in different areas and also get a player shop installed while we’re at it. Though I think this is already planned. Maybe.

That’s it for now. Feedback whether some of these ideas suck would be appreciated. No torching please.

Side note:
-Fix the bugs, and the multiple bugs and latency issues caused by updates or if any of these are implemented
-Get a hackshield if it helps
-Do a daily patrol on each area and channel, preferably three times per day(6AM,6PM,12PM or random) except on weekends.
-Open the server in the middle of maintenance time and ban anybody trying to log-in, if proven innocent un-ban.
-Better forum moderation? nah.
-Since balanced classes will possibly never happen, at least buff non-spear swordsmen to at least be competent, 2h sawd needs love.

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Thanks @Barusu for all the efforts! We’ll make sure this suggestions will receive proper attention. :smiley: