Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions and Changes

Some of these might’ve been mentioned by others before but just read anyway.

Character Slots
First of all I hope that companions will stop taking up character slots. No matter how many class choices TOS can offer, the little given character slots are limiting the gameplay experience. Every players are limited to 4 characters, which is assuming that the player doesnt use any companion. If the player played a hunter, or maybe bought a cash shop companion, the character slot is further reduced by 1 each. There are 2 lodges at the character selection screen but apparently they both share the same character count limit. When I first started the game, I thought that I can create 8 characters but it didnt take long until I found that my character slots are full with just 2 characters and 2 pets…
Create a new account just to try out other classes is a violation of terms in most games but I didnt see such a term here. Since ToS is still trying to increase the class varieties without increasing the ‘free’ character slots, I guess ToS is in someway suggesting making multiple accounts is the way to fully experience TreeOfSavior?

I understand IMC wants to fight boting and RMT but the current method of limiting players to ‘slow down’ the boting/RMT activties are unreasonable. Whats the point of slowing down the boting activities if there is no intention to fix the real problem? Do you think manually banning like 10 user reported bots per week out of like 100 bots automatically created per day using scripts will help anything? The ‘report user as bot’ thing is useless, or i’d say until the bots decide to mass report everyone they pass through. They are bots running scripts, which means they will repeat a certain pattern of actions, for example move to map X, or teleport to location Y, or go to Z to transfer items. Look at the bots near the Klaipeda banker that keeps on ‘jumping’ for whatever reason. That constant stream of bots at areas especially where the mobs drop expensive materials and monster gems are like warzones…That Sirdgela Forest ch3 constant 10 archer bots all time…Tenet area…ugh cant even count…
I’m not an expert of this but believe they edited the client sided game files to achieve things like that archer range hack. This game has too many stuff on client side, like attack range and even quest teleport. You could’ve fixed all these problems(or atleast reduce) if anti-cheat or game file check is used. You’ve stated that editing game file is forbidden but it doesnt seem like anything is done to prevent that. If a bot account is banned, all he needs to do is to create another account, and continue his botting until his new account somehow gets banned again. TreeofBots.

The token trade count…You tried to limit trading through premium tokens so that bots ‘cant’ trade items but…cant they just buy a token using the 1 mil out of the 10 mils they generate per day? The ~1mil token price isnt too expensive at higher levels tbh but legit (free) players are struggling to make 1mil to buy tokens especially if they’ve just started playing. It is really hard to make money or even to get better equipments without using the market. The current state of game is as if free players are playing a solo game that requires internet connection, dungeons with players that act like npc more than npc, items have to be sold to npc because unable to use market. I’d suggest removing all these ridiculous trade limits and work on your anti-cheat…

In game Storage
The in game Storage…using TP to expand the slots of Personal storage, but silver to expand Team storage? Dont you think you got it the wrong way?

Buff Count Limit
I think the max buff count is 5 or 6 without any buff count increase skill, token increases the count by 1. Even a priest alone can give up to 6 different buffs. In party, the buffs just keep getting overwritten…what is this limit for anyway? Not that you can use multiple same buffs.

TP Trader NPC
It should be easier to make a shortcut button to the cash shop page accessible from anywhere instead of making that npc… It is a pain to go to that npc everytime just to buy an exp tome.

Crowded Places Low FPS
Places like Fedimian ch1 is one example. It will be good if we can have a Hide Players option like the Hide UI option.

Sapper Master shop
Sapper master should sell Ash wood needed for Broom Trap…

Fletcher Carry Weight
Sapper+Fletcher = rip inventory weight. Fletcher needs weight increase attribute.

Cleric Heal skill
It will be good if the Heal tiles float on top of everything instead of sticking on the floor. The reason I’m suggesting this is because the heal tiles often get hidden by the decoration objects on the floor, for example grass, roots, or even water. One good example when this might cause a problem is the lv145 dungeon, where one of the boss is at a water covered area. Heal tiles are covered by the water and players can only see the faint tile light on the floor. Nobody has the time to carefully look around for a little faint light when they are dying and there are many little monsters around other than the boss.

Certain Healer Skills Be Made Into “Hold and Release” Skills
I believe all the healer’s healing skills are pretty nice right now but some changes can be made to make it better. I suggest skills such as Cleric’s Heal and Priest’s Mass Heal/Resurrection should be made into ‘hold and release’ skill. What I mean is the player will hold the skill, and the skill will activate on release. When holding the skill, the player can move around and ‘preview’ of the skill will appear. For example, Cleric’s Heal will show how the tiles will appear when the skill is held down. The healer will be able to move to a suitable place and release the key to place the tiles, same goes for Priest’s Mass Heal and Resurrection. Currently the healing skills of healers can be summarized with this video (by Sunhwa). Especially Mass Heal and Resurrection…they are simply too easily missed. Why? Because players have no idea where they will hit. I’m hoping that with this ‘hold and release’ mechanic, the skill preview will help in improving the ease of use of healing skills and on the same time will in some way help with the Heal tiles covered by objects if players can know where the tiles will appear.

Priest Monstrance skill
The circle will disappear if a player stepped on it. This must be some mistake because the circle is supposed to work like the Cleric’s Deprotected Zone where it will remain on the field until the time runs out. What the skill currently does is as following:

On cast: Give party members a DEX buff(does not affect non-party member players), and place a circle on the floor.

When the circle is on the floor, it does absolutely nothing to the party members but monsters will get a debuff if they stepped on it. If a party member steps on it, the circle disappears but nothing is gained by the party member. Now the interesting thing is…if a non-party member player stepped on it, the player will get the DEX buff(full length buff) and the circle will disappear.

What is happening here is the circle treat all players as buff targets on contact, but players with the buff will not get a duplicated buff. While the ability to give a non-party member player buff is good, but making the circle disappear for nothing if a party member steps on it is just so bad, especially when we have melee classes.

Priest Exorcise skill
The skill says will create an exorcism circle that damages ENEMIES inside. Based on that I assume that it hits multi targets but in reality this skill only hits 1 target(circle disappears) and give a DOT debuff…

I’m simply stating my opinions as a player. It is your(IMC) decision to consider some of these changes to the game. While what I know of this game might be limited to only archers and clerics, this is in no way trying to be bias or offend any party.

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