Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions about anti bots system and some idea to improve the game

Hey guys, I’m new here cuz its been very long time since the last time i played a MMORPG game with graphic style like ToS ( i’m mostly play realistic graphic games ). I play alot of MMORPG with my friend and often take the role of a Guild Leader and this time im playing as a Templar in ToS. Ok thats enough about me lets focus on the main topic.

Me and my friend talked alot about how diffirent is ToS from other MMORPG we used to play and we have some idea:

About anti bots system

ATM u can see lots of bots spamming Z button to farm material or silver and those bots screwed all other player make they cant do Quest or find material to craft item.

The solution for this is

PK ( Player Kill ) system

U hate those bot right? So what do u say when u can kill it yourself ?
OK, i understand that some can say they will abuse PK system to harast other player. Normally PK system will go with Reputation system or Punishment for who kill too much and put them to jail.

  • Kill 1 normal player - 1 Reputation and so on
  • Kill 1 bad player + 1 Reputation and so on
    … If u reach High reputation u will have reward. And if u sinking to deep with minus Rep u will be put in jail or have some penalty like - damage debuff or something like that.

ToS have a pirate class right? Too bad when they only can robb silver from mob (lol). Hmm… I mean Pirate normally a bad guys but still some can be good. And if have pirate we also need Police class :smile: ( if can :blush: )
PK system will alway make player become friend or enemies. And a group of friend vs a group of friend. Guild vs Guild. PK make the game become more competitive. U will want to make your character stronger more not to kill mobs only but to PK to protect yourself, your friend or be the good guys who protect the weak. Imagine that u are grinding solo at a Dina bee farm and a bad guy attemp to kill u, When u running for ur life or try to fight back a guy see that and help u fight the bad guy. Thats how PK system make player become friend. And dont say that u dont need friend in MMORPG thats anti - social. PK system will make player focus more on PvP build ( ATM i didnt see much PvP build they mainly focus on PvE. What i like most at MMORPG is GvG system xD And i alway build a class for GvG. So if they focus more on PvP build thats will make GvG better )

And as a Templar i see some skill of this class almost useless except that u can create a guild. Summon guild member and warp to guild member is the most useless skill without PK system. ( ATM u can only use it as a free warp to go grind or raid boss right ? )
IMC pls, make it better or combine 2 skill in 1 and give Templar 1 new skill :frowning:

Captcha system:

It will randomly popup. And will popup more often when u dont much around much.
If u answer it correct u will get a reward for being good player
If not u will be put in jail ( thats will stop bot from farming, a true afk player can have a free warp )

Active GM/ Ingame GM

We srsly need a active GM who we can chat ingame with. To answer player question, report bug and ban those bot. Currently “bot report” button so slow. I understand that will need a lot of man to do this but i be great if IMC can do this.
If u need a guy i can help xD

Block / Black list system

Last on my list is a solution for those spamming chat bot. They alway stand at the Market NPC and very annoying cuz the text box alway take over my market screen.
If we can block or black list them to not see them in chat the Shout channel and normal chat channel will be cleaner xD

Thats all of my idea for anti-bot system. I will update the post if i have any new idea.
BTW: Sorry for my bad english