Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion to make ToS more engaging for new players/ players from other games

ToS, for all its faults, is personally an engaging game in a way no other mmo
has captured me except perhaps for RO. I want it to succeed.

With some modifications, I believe that it can be much better for newer players
and those that came from other mmos; injecting new lifeblood into the game.
As always, these are just my two cents, hopefully the staff can read these
proposals and take this constructively.

  • Queuing: When there are no ‘new player events’, dungeon queues
    on the lower levels are a barren wasteland. Add the ability to be able
    to queue while being in another map; like checking the market or leveling.
    There could be limits like not being able to do certain instanced quests to
    avoid problems. This would help with the trouble of not finding enough
    people to do a dungeon, and with new players feeling like they’re
    wasting time waiting for a party; which also leads to…

  • Dungeon Entry Limits: Can understand the reasoning for entry limits
    to time-gate or restrict certain rewards. However, the side-effect is that
    people would naturally favor to use up their own entries than rather help
    new players complete a dungeon when there aren’t enough people.
    proposal: let players enter dungeons even if they’re over the daily limit if
    they just want to help out new player friends. In order to keep the
    time-gating design, you could make it so that they would have very little
    to no more xp/drops/silver from runs beyond the limit. if you want to entice
    some good samaritans you could add a special title or costume after
    helping new players on a certain number of dungeon runs

  • Dungeon Capping: Now with the ability to help new players by letting
    veterans join them even after the veteran player has exceeded the daily
    limit; There should be a gear and level capping in place to de-level the
    veteran joining in. Because the new players would not enjoy the dungeon
    if the veteran just blitzes and annihilates everything in their path before the
    newbies can even attack. (instant clear items are another matter) If you
    need examples, just turn to other mmos like GW2 where they auto cap
    the players’ gear and stats when they join a lower level dungeon

  • Queue Visibility: Aside from world shouting, adding actual numbers
    to the dungeon panel (f10) would also help speed up queues. Especially
    when people see that there are already people lining up for a particular
    dungeon or event. For example, they could open it up and see that dg140
    has 1/5; dg 290 has 3/5, & blade event in the players’ level range 2/5

Would prefer if they have a fixed-arena type PVP option where both gears
and levels are also auto capped, which will give new players a fighting chance
to win if they’re good enough; and not just if they had time to farm up
+25 trans10 whale items. A fair fight on even terms. again other mmos like
GW2 provides an example on this.

Avoid events designed where people can be rewarded for behavior you don’t
want your playerbase doing. Example with the Stone Whale event.

Think of the most undesirable action a player can do, and design to avoid that.

Getting a reward for just being near when it dies would naturally make people
just come when its near death, just come then afk (not allowing people to enter
the map when its full), or troll the rest with certain skills. Not that hitting a HP
punching bag that does didly-squat damage against you is an exciting event,
but just rather going through the motions.

Aside from those fundamental design changes, it would be the usual BBO.
Bugs, Balancing, and Optimization. (please fix hunter pet AI :slight_smile: )
There have already been numerous suggestions against botting, so its more
on rule implementation at this point. Was going to add randomized stat items
as well as more random events on maps where we just go finish quests
on then never come back again, but the new PVE roadmap has addressed that
made me quite hopeful

Thanks for reading (hopefully someone did)


Come on. No love for this post? I hope staffs read this.

Giving a more resonable TP shop, namely KTOS shop would attract more customers aswell.

… ppl here its only sad