Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion to increase and maintain player base

This is only from my experience with the game. I first played when iTos came out and quit shortly after. I’m actively playing again now.

This may be a stretch, but if everyone could get a chance to rank reset each month by perhaps doing a quest that is relevant​ to the main story or something to make it fit the scenario, then I would assume most players would be happier while playing.

The reason why I quit was because we are heavily penalized when we make a decision to build our character a certain way. I never knew skill A was this bad. I wish I had skill B from that other class instead. I should have gotten rank C instead so that I could farm better. Such examples make players feel regret and harbor negative feelings towards the game. This is especially so when a person has invested hundreds of hours already. Logically speaking, a game company’s goal is to never make their players harbor negative feelings.

ToS has a very strong point going for it, which is the vast amount of unique classes. I would gamble to say that half of the fun of this game is theory crafting and playing around with different class builds and grinding for the higher tier classes. Why not maximize the effect of this very strong asset?

In terms of monetization, the token system is great, with it waiving the time required to level up attributes. If rank resets were the norm, would it not make sense that token sales would also go up?

What do you guys think? I would love to hear a rebuttle as well as other opinions on this matter.

Like this: You buy a weapon stronger, upgrade, put some nice gem, then with the update you can throw away, lots of hours make something nice, that worth nothing now.

Season player, adapt to remake everything over and over or leave the game.