It is my opinion that time slotted content (pvp & boruta for example) is a very exclusive system. Personally, because of my work schedule, during the week I am literally unable to attend Boruta. Starting at 7:30pm my time, which is already an hour after I’m heading to bed for work, my guild has informed me it’s basically minimum 3-4 hours which would bite into my personal work schedule significantly. You might say, join during the weekend then…well in that case, still no because Boruta dies the first day and is dead for the rest of the week.
My issue with this is that anyone else like myself who cannot attend because it’s content that is only available at a specific time which cannot be determined by the guild you’re in but rather is dictated by IMC? There is effectively no way for me to obtain the equipments or materials from Boruta, and the same issue with tbl even though there are more chances for me to hit the time slots for tbl it’s simply an archaic system which serves no purpose other than to bottleneck content.
While Boruta is an interesting idea on paper, in execution it leaves…well…everything to be desired, at least for myself. I would suggest that time slotted content be relegated to gives you pretty costooms status rather than potentially mandatory/BiS gear and IMC continue releasing non time slotted unique raids such as FFL/Asio/Wastrel/Velco.