Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Team Storage - Recipe Booklet

Here I am after another hiatus and a month or two of ideas brewing.

Ive noticed that I have about a hundred million thousand and 5 recipes that are just chilling in my characters inventorys. I dont want to just sell them to an npc or discard them because who knows what we’ll need in future updates.

I propose adding a Recipe Booklet to the Team Storage tab for us to store all of our unused recipes. The booklet could be alphabetical order and contain a slot for every single recipe in the game. Recipes stack so just let us stack all of our recipes in our team storage, that way if we have any alts we would like to test out a specific item on, we have the recipe tucked away in a neat little booklet.

@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri

There, optionally, could also be a “Monster Gem Bag” in the team storage which would serve the same purpose but for Monster Gems and or Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green gems as well so we dont have to clutter up our storages with tons of Gems we may or may not use.