Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Squire. Equipment Maintenance and etc

Philosophy of uselessness of skills and suggestions for eliminating this.

Greet all the saviors! And also the developers of the game ToS.

I would like to share some remarks about the Squire class, namely its equipment maintenance skills.

The problem with the “Equipment Maintenance” skill is that it is absolutely useless for characters above a certain level (well, for example, +219 damage from normal attack, at level 350, with lilac weapon +9).
Simply because the characters in normal attack damage from weapons increases, reaching a dimension of several thousand, and the bonus from this skill by its formula is measured in hundreds.

It’s strange that the priest’s skills do not have such a problem. They add static, significant damage from skills (405 + 720 damage, holiness, and additional attacks),
which at high levels remain palpable. And everything is good for “newbs”, and for huge-lvl characters.

In addition, I see that the skills of crafting in the game are simply uninteresting. I always considered crafting something outstanding in games.
Сraft must expand the standard mechanisms of the game at the expense of new ones.
For example, if the game has a set of items, craft - complements this set, modifies so that the game is converted. And the player feels great that he “got into” the game and changed it.

In general, my suggestions:

  1. “Equipment Maintenance”.
  • Make it dynamic, depending on the stats of the weapon or armor, in order to increase the power level (in% ratio, magic formulas - it does not matter).
  • Change the cost of using the skill through the store accordingly (well, so that the skill becomes profitable and useful, finally).
  • To select the quantity of expendable things according to the levels of subjects, skills and types of work with objects (now it already exists, but, probably, a balance will be required).
  1. Combine the skills of “Equipment Maintenance” + “Repair”.
    Well, for example, to “Blacksmithing”.
  • Specialization of blacksmith’s affairs can be upping by attributes (which would be cool, I think).
  • Skill level, for example, you can make = 1. 14 points you throw on useful combat skills.
  • If skill level 1 not enough, you can use several levels to work with items, for example:
    1lvl - work with objects up to 120 lvl. Work with 15, 40, 75 lvl - it is not necessary because the things of these levels are effective without any upgrades and sharpening because of the quick lvl-upping.
    2lvl - 170 lvl items.
    3lvl - 220 lvl items.
    4lvl - 270 lvl items.
    5lvl - 350 lvl items.

Actual, a lot of non-combat skills in the game, where you need to run and kill everything - is not good. This is still Ragnarok-Online-style.
I’m for the skill of blacksmith that does not take up much space in the build.

  1. As attributes, you can add a lot of different skills that give both profit from the trade, and many pleasant moments.
    For example:
  • Manufacture of blacksmith’s consumables for everyone.
    For example, “Tools for repair”, “Grindstone”.
    You can impose a restriction, for example, “Repair tools” repair things up to 1/4 of Durability.

  • Craft Recipes.
    How about the system of writing individual recipes for crafting to sell them?
    Although, it is, rather, already a complex system that requires a long implementation.

  • Bonuses to sharpen weapons.
    I understand “democratic” item sharpening on standard anvils.
    But Squire should be an expert on sharpening, am I wrong? I do not propose to nerf the chances of sharpening (this is a “very sacred thing”, lol),
    but how about throwing out the cost of sharpening by simply increasing the corresponding attribute?

  1. Upgrades to increase mobility.
    For example:
  • Makes armor type [Plate] [Cloth] [Leather] easier (forever). Increases the speed of the character (…or something else), while reducing the maximum durability of armor (…or something else).
  • Makes armor type [Plate] [Cloth] [Leather] with additional metal inserts. Increases armor or magic armor but increases wear rate. The armor becomes heavier.
  • Facilitates the weapon, increasing the attack speed, reducing its strength and damage, and decreasing weight.
  • Redirects weapon damage from STR or DEX, by changing its shape and weight (change forever).
  1. Magic upgrades (you can upping INT for this).

For example, for armor:

  • Absorbing magic from enemies. After accumulation, the armor applies a shield to the character, which, for example, adds + N% to Block and use blocking without a shield.
  • Reflection of magic damage in the form of electro pulses. For example, N% electrical damage from the received monster damage (attack element depends on the element of monster).
  • Temporary buffs when absorbing magic. Increase the time or power of buffs due to such armor.
  • Auras that affect stats of enemies or allies.

For example, for weapons:

  • A special buff that accidentally makes “Ordinary” weapons as “Magical”, “Rare”, etc. It would make a little more useful all “Ordinary” weapons in game.
  • Shot the blade. For example, a sword shoots a magic pulse, increasing the range of attack (as in Zelda).
  • Reflective impulse. To accidentally block a monster’s attack with a weapon.
  • Covering impulse. Adds 1 or 2 AoE points, but hits monsters that stand behind.

(It’s more like the activity of the Enchanters, not Blacksmiths.)

  1. Well, what if we, still, encroach on the sacred and play with the chance of item sharpening?
    You can come up with a cool thing with the Squire store.
    Like, if you sharpen weapons from Squire, with success, some of the money from the sharpening goes into Squire’s pocket, and the result can be additional random bonuses:
  • An additional Stat increase of the item, for example, + N% (depending on Squire skills)
  • Adding a type of damage / defense: Slash, Pierce, etc.
  • Increases the skill by +1 when using this item due to its convenience. For example, +1 to Bash. Is not it nice to be a newbie with this weapon?
    And more…
  1. About the skills of “Base Camp” and “Refreshment Table”. I did not use them because I consider them unusable:
  • They only work for the party members.
  • One skill without the other does not work.

Why can not they be combined into a normal “Camping” skill?
Where the attributes are: camping (increase HP/MP restoration), cooking food, and storing items and stuff.
Losing 20 Skill points in non-combat skills that you never use when playing solo! This, of course, is incomparable, lol.
“Refreshment Table” increases the strength of food)))! I thought it was a cooking skill. It should add new dishes, effects from dishes (not increasing some stat, but adding new stats and effects due to spices, for example).
I do not understand the meaning of these skills)).

At all, my indignation concerns all crafting classes. You can so much everyone to make!