Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Show Raw Stats

I think we should be able to mouse over our stats and see our base stats (how many points we put into that stat) and in addition to that how much extra stats our equipment offer.

example: You have items equipped that total to +10 STR, in stat window STR says 50, you mouse over the number and it will show 40(base stats)+10(extra from equip)

I like to be able to see my base stats so when i switch equips i wouldnt mess up my ratio. maybe this is just me lol :stuck_out_tongue:


I second this, would be really nice option to have !

there are so many things that need to be fixed with the UI but this might be a nice addition after all of it are done.

currently we canā€™t see exp rates and we need add on for that
we canā€™t block a person from chat
if you donā€™t know !! nothing will tell you how to do it until someone else tells you
we donā€™t know why sometime we get jumps when we increase stats.
being unable to move the HUD anywhere we like, this is huge by the way the first time i played the game all i want was to move the HUD.
unable to switch off the fps counter

and many more i guess.

1 ~ 50 total stats

Bonus every 5th stat point

51 ~ 150 total stats

Bonus every 4th stat point

151 ~ 300 total stats

Bonus every 3rd stat point

301 ~ 500 total stats

Bonus every 2nd stat point

500+ total stats

Bonus every stat point

this is actually the reason for the stat jumps from the wiki

i know, iā€™ve read the wiki but is the game supposed to be that badly informed that we need to look in the wiki everytime we donā€™t know something? i mean why would they rely on wiki? itā€™s not even written by the staff.

every (mmorpg) game hides their exact formulas for various mechanics. RO didnt say anything about its stat multipliers (like ā€œyou get bonus atk equal to floor(str/10)^2, dex for bow usersā€) - it was discovered by players among other things.

to be perfectly honest i kinda love that feature but thereā€™s a lot more going on in ToS than in ragnarok and if they hide everything itā€™s just wrong.

i mean like the fact that cafrisun armor doesnā€™t benefit skills and arde dagger benefit skills, how can on know this before he completely wasted his money on cafrisun and gained nothing out of it. and many other things.

i love hidden mechanic and else in MMO it makes the game more alive but basic things like how the stat actually work could be shown to the player because thereā€™s a lot more things that need to be considered other than how the stat works.

Player heard about that set from somewhere, assumed something, didnt do proper research and got burned because of his own delusions. At which stage it is gameā€™s fault?

alright then if it think of it that way. i could accept both ways i just kinda want some clarity.

like say skill tooltips that obviously doesnā€™t tell that much about the skills actually work and the reason why stat jumps and such. but if you think itā€™s such a bad idea that you have to say people that doesnā€™t do research is delusional i think iā€™ll try to see it from your point of view.