Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Premium Channels

Instead of restricting trade and reducing spawns, perhaps premium channels would be a good option? I would happily pay extra to be on a channel without bots.

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Possibly add that as an additional benefit to token users. Premium Channel access would be a huge plus for token users and would encourage people who have been on the fence about buying tokens to possibily making the purchase.

Premium Channels = Split community.

This is a big no-no.

Better work on server performance, stability and client optimization.

It wouldn’t 100% split community since premium users would still be able to play with friends on free channels. It is just a suggestion, especially for bot heavy maps where it is frustrating and difficult to complete quests because of the bots.

I’d love to have premium channels in the game… so that all bots and silver sellers will go and play there because yeah… they want to sell… theyr target audience will be the guys with the money!

So basically the ones playing on the premium servers :stuck_out_tongue:

if only paying extra would solve the problem. let’s not forget everyone “playing” right now paid for early access…I’d like to see IMC’s solution first, if they can improve the stability of the game itself, and if that improvement requires the extra dough then OK, they can have my money.

Bad idea, don’t like it(have token)
Just ban bots 24\7

~ bumb ~ id like to see that happen

I’m failing to see how a premium channel would be a plus for token users. Or anyone, really.

  1. Bots would farm the free channels and buy a token when they want to sell. If the premium channels have a low enough population, they’ll farm them for improved revenue.
  2. The premium channel elite and the free channel plebs. Forming in groups and out groups does not a close community make.