Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] Possible Bokor rework

Hey everybody and first of all thank you IMC for this awesome game :slight_smile: and second please forgive me typos and such as english is not my native language :wink:
This is my first post in this forum and its about a class I fell in love with during this beta, but which could really use some quality of life improvements and skillchanges:

The Bokor.

I know there are already a lot of other threads concerning bokor but I hope you understand that I didn’t want to post my effort in another thread where it just goes unnoticed. :wink:


Bosses and enemies with aoe attacks kill your zombies far too quickly. They need some kind of protection for that. Zombies should scale better with your own stats.
There are by far enough topics out there about Zombie AI, so I wont speak about this in detail :wink:


Hexing, while awesome when it hits more than one target, is somewhat annoying if it is resisted and you just don’t see it (which can happen easily in group play spelleffect-storms).
So you stab your poor doll for nothing :frowning: . Effigy like other 0 sec. cooldown spells would make my fingers happy if the spell would cast continously while holding the button.
Effigy’s manacosts are brutal if you want to use it as your filler spell. Right now I think it’s more rewarding to invest just one point in it so you can spam it longer.
Would be nice if you couldn’t cast it, if there is no cursed target in range.

-Tet Mamak La:

Seems like zombies often dont react to it as they should, espcially with more than one out.


Spell is just fine but it would be nice, especially for other party members, if they got a warning when its about to expire. So they can run to the lifesaving Safety Zone in time.

-Bwa Kayiman:

While the damage is fine and I really like that it scales with str and dex (which makes this class more versatile for combinations with other str/dex classes), this spell is underwhelming against enemies with range damage or aoe attacks that are hard/impossible to dodge.
Some of them just cancel your cast too often and its 10 sec. cooldown begins to hurt.
If Bwa Kayiman damage was lower but you could cast other skills while channeling this spell would be still more versatile.


The much needed movement speed increase for your zombies is nice (especially since you get half of it yourself), but the hp buff is negligible and doesn’t help your zombies much against aoe attacks.


Finally your zombies’ damage scales with you stats! But sadly only with int and even with a full int character it only shines if you have a vast horde of zombies and they don’t die in aoe attacks.
The scaling per invested skillpoint is horrible and there is no point in investing more than one point since you have enough alternatives which are far more appealing.


Good damage when it hits, but you need enough zombies who stay on the same spot as the enemies you want to hit and the spell’s range is a bit small. Could use an easier mechanic to get it off.

-General stat investment/circle advancement:

There is no real benefit in investing more skillpoints or class circles for certain skills.
As partially mentioned above: More than one point in Ogouveve seems pointless. To spam Effigy one point will suffice if you want to save sp.
There is no good reason to go Bokor c3 for Bwa Kayiman users since no new skill in c3 scales with str/dex and 5 more points in Bwa Kayiman itself are negligible.
Hexing is just fine with one point. More duration is nice to have but the -magicdef scaling is negligible. 1 sec. duration per point in Mackangdal is lackluster.

Now I will write about possible spellchanges I have thought about to make the Bokor class more rewarding and versatile.
These changes and additions are purely made up by me and are in no way a demand of how the skills should be but only could be to make the bokor in my opinion more fun and rewarding to play.
Keep in mind, that I did NOT actually calculate overall dps and such, so numbers would have to be tweaked in order to make my reworked skills balanced with other classes!
Please feel free to discuss and give me your opinions about it :slight_smile:


Fills your weapon with dark powers, cursing the enemies hit with it and reducing their physical and magic defence and prevents their recovery.

Toggle: Needs to be toggled to maintain effect.

SP: 1 sp per second.

Hexing debuff duration: 10 seconds.

Physical-/Magic Defense reduction: 11% + 1% per level to a total of 25% at level 15.


Hexing: Darkness stays the same

Hexing: Cursed weapon: 1% + 1% per level to a total of 20% at level 20 of your physical damage is dealt as dark property attack. Available at circle 2.

(This makes the spell more versatile and scales with str/dex/int and is more interesting for blunt weapon users in general. Won’t scale anymore with spr but I think it’s fitting since Bokor is a dps class.
More invested skillpoints and class circles are now more rewarding since the benefit stays the same in all character levels. Missing the spell is now far less punishing and works fine even without Effigy.
The new downside is that you have to get close and punch :stuck_out_tongue: )


Controls an enemy afflicted by a curse and inflicts damage from afar. Deals bonus damage to bosses.

Attack: [Magic] - [Dark] 50 + 20 per level to a total of 330 at level 15

Bosses take 8% + 3% per level to a total of 50% more damage at level 15

SP: 70 - 3 per level to a total of 28 at level 15

Cooldown: 0

Attributes: stay the same

(Now the spell costs a lot of mana early on and gets cheaper in later levels which makes it more interesting putting more points into it and making Effigy a spammable filler spell.
The new Hexing makes it usable as a reliable aoe attack. To keep it in balance with its new aoe capabilities I reduced its damage and cut the third hit bonus.
To make it worth it against single targets again Effigy got a new damage bonus to bosses.)

-Tet Mamak La:

Throw a monkey skull to an enemy and make him the desired target for your zombies.
There can only be one target at a time marked with your monkey skull.

SP: 20

Cooldown: 0

(Just a little rework to make this skill more direct and less clunky. You can no longer use it to attract enemies but you can target your zombies better.
No more confused zombies with more than one skull out.)


Bite an enemy and infect him with the zombie plague! The bite will deal physical pierce damage if your physical attack is higher than your magic attack, it will deal dark magic damage otherwise.
Enemies that die while sick become zombies. Enemies bitten by zombies’ normal attack are infected by zombie plague too.
Zombies scale with your attributes. Zombies get 90% less damage from aoe attacks. Biting a boss will create two zombies instantly.

Overheat: Yes (2)

Attack: [Magic] - [Dark] or [Physical] - [Pierce] 200 + 60 per level to a total of 1040 at level 15

SP: 18 + 2 per level to a total of 46 at level 15

Cooldown: 22 sec.

Zombie hp: Your hp x 0.6 + 0.1 per level to a total of your hp x 2 at level 15

Zombie attack: Your magic attack + physical attack x 0.3 + 0.015 to a total of 0.51 at level 15

Zombie movement speed: your movement speed x 0.5

You can have 4 + 1 per level to a total of 18 zombies at a time at level 15. Creating a new zombie replaces the zombie with the least hp or the oldest.


Creating Zombie: Zombify: increases the number of zombies created by biting a boss +1. Maxlevel 1 available at cirlce one.

Zombify: Wheelchair Zombie: Attacks 20% faster than a normal zombie and has your movement speed. Available at cirlce two, rest stays the same.

Zombify: Large Zombie: Deals triple damage of a normal zombie, has half the movement speed and has triple health. Available at circle three, rest stays the same.

(Now you can influence your zombies’ stats far better with your own. The spell is more versatile, deals damage on its own and zombies are more handy for bosses.
It is now more rewarding to invest more skillpoints and circles for your zombies.
With the hard cap of a maximum of 18 zombies it won’t get so far out of control like now with infinite number of zombies and lags will be reduced :wink: )


Throws a talisman to your party members that temporarily suppresses pain.
All targets are invulnerable to any damage when the talisman is enabled, but receive the accumulated damage at once when the effect ends.

SP: 200 + 60 per level to a total of 1040

Duration: 2 sec. + 2 per level to a total of 30 seconds

Cooldown: 90 sec.

The rest stays the same except for a better visual effect at applying and expiring to help teammates buffed by it.

(Right now Mackangdal is very strong with just one point. With this scaling Mackangdal can be a life saver at level one and a very strong defensive cooldown with more points invested.
To compensate for that it now has a longer cooldown for the longer duration you can get and brutal manacosts because its effect is very strong, especially combined with Safety Zone)

-Bwa Kayiman:

Instruct your summoned zombies to celebrate.They will dance arround you, enhancing your hunger for brains!

Toggle: Needs to be toggled to maintain effect.

SP: 7 sp per second

Each zombie dancing arround you will reduce the cooldown of Zombify by 1 sec. and enhance its damage by 0.5% + 0.5% per level to a total of 7,5%


Bwa Kayiman: Zombie Defense: Increases the defense of your zombies by 20% + 20% per level to a total of 100% at level 5 while Bwa Kayiman is toggled. Available at circle 2.

Bwa Kayiman: Need more Brains!: While affected by Bwa Kayiman Zombify’s bite heals you for 10% + 1% per level to a total of 20% damage dealt at level 10. Available at circle 3.

(This change will free you to do other things while Bwa Kayiman is active and has more synergy with Zombify. Additionally it is more worthwhile to invest more points into it and go to circle 3)


Plants a Samedi glyph on your back symbolizing a death noir. Increases your maximum HP and movement speed of you and your zombies nearby.

Increases your maximum hp by 11,5% + 1,5% per level to a total of 25% at level 10.

Increases your movement speed by 1 + 1 per level to a total of 10 at level 10.

Increases movement speed of your zombies by 2 + 2 per level to a total of 20 at level 10.

SP: 44 + 4 per level to a total of 80 sp at level 10.

Duration: 60 sec.

Cooldown: 50 sec.

Attributes: Stay the same.

(With that change Samediveve’s hp buff has more weight in later levels and since the flag now moves with you it is more easily maintained. The spell visual has to be weakened or removed though.)


You will set the pattern which represents Ogu which is the Rwa of Power on your back. STR and INT of enemies nearby will be reduced while your zombies’ attack will be increased.

Reduces nearby enemies’ STR and INT by 8% + 3% per level to a total of 20% at level 5.

Increases your nearby zombies’ damage by 16% + 6% per level to a total of 40% at level 5.

SP: 44 + 4 per level to a total of 80 sp at level 10.

Duration: 60 sec.

Cooldown: 50 sec.


Ogouveve: Decrease Strength removed.

Rest stays.

(This will help the new int/str/dex scaling of your zombies and int/str reduction will scale better in later levels)


Skill and attributes stay the same with two alterations: The dark orb draws in zombies from a range of 110 till the maximum number of targets is reached.
The explosion no longer knocks back or there is an attribute to remove it.

-Advanced skill explanation:
With Samediveve and Ogouveve you technically wear two flags on your back. I would suggest one over each shoulder should look nice :slight_smile:
Bwa Kayiman at level 15 with the maximum of 18 zombies out at Zombify level 15 would reduce its cooldown to 4 seconds and increase its damage by 135%.
Since zombies scale with magic attack AND physical attack simultaneously wearing blunt weapons becomes an interesting option.

So that’s it. With its numbers as they stand here it will propably be overpowered, but I hope it shows my idea of a revamped Bokor and make clear what I see as problems in the curent build.
Thank you everybody who made it this far and fought my wall of text :wink:

1 Like

Even though i rerolled to make a sadhu after getting kinda bored with bokor, my only REAL complaint is that the attribute cost for spawning Scale and Wheel zombies is way to fkn high…