Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion on my Monk Build?

Hello i’m a beginner here and i want to share my build for Monk \o/
(Please forgive my english in advance ;_; , it’s not my first language )

Is this build Good enough? i’m considering a Plague Doctor For Rank 7 :confused:
some people told me that being a Paladin C1 is not worth it unless you go for C2 or C3
any suggesstion on this build? or any skills need to be fixed?

First, you should tell your stat ratio. Without that I have to guess you go all Str with some Con and Spr. Then you should tell you goal - PvP or PvE. Because you pick Monk, I will guess PvP.

This is fine but I think Priest c3 is a bit better. You will have a lot of Monk’s attack skills, so you don’t really need Smite from Paladin. At Priest c3, you will get Stone Skin which looks better than Paladin c1. You will have more survivability with Revive, Stone Skin, Iron Skin and Golden Bell. On offensive end, Double Punch with Bless and Sacrament is so good in PvE. If you have max both of them at Priest c2, you should max them at Priest c3 too. If you need the magic defend, you can use cloth armors. I know some clothes give Int stat but it is still better then waste 1 rank to get Resist Elements which can also replace by having your Paladin teammate or buy the scroll.

Finally about Monk skills, the point distribution can be varies. I might what to have less Double Punch just because I want more One Inch Punch and God Finger Flick to do more burst damage for me in PvP. About Iron Skin, I know it is a situational skill but you might get it at least level 1 by drop 1 level of Palm Strike or Hand Knife.

Thankyou so so much on the reply!

My current stats right now is 3:1 Ratio of Str and Dex :stuck_out_tongue:
i am planning to put at least 40-50 cons , so my monk won’t be so squishy.

and yes i was considering to take priest C3 for the max blessing, sacrament and stone skin, but i heard that stoneskin was nerfed?
and i play alone, so i was hoping to at least get an attacking skill from paladin C1, since cleric and priest does not have an attacking skill. (i have to rely on auto attacks ;w; )

and about the Class, some people was Giving me suggestion that i should take paladin to c2, and monk c2.

What do you think about it? Thanks again! <3

For this build, your auto attack is good enough for grinding until you reach your Monk. As I said earlier, you don’t need Smite, so the only thing left to take in Paladin tree is Elemental Resistance which also as I said earlier, you can just have your Paladin friend or buy Elemental Resistance scroll from some Pardoners. However, you can take which classes you want but I will say Priest c3 into your Monk is the best.

I also road some one wrote “If you don’t pick Paladin c3, don’t pidk Paladin c1”. I don’t I think so but that is some one idea that I road.

About Stone Skin, don’t think about the nerfed. As I know, It is not happen yet. And even it does, it is gonna be fine. It will still be an utility buff, a viable one.