Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion on how to fix Linker

As it stands, anything above Linker C1 is not very useful, and the entire classe feels a little underwhelming. Linker skills are supposedly to do the following:

  • Increase party output damage on mobs
  • Decrease/share party received damage
  • Buff party with buffs


  • Its not very useful to get JP above 5/6 since it breaks if enemies are too far apart and its hard to find more than 5 enemies close to each other. It also scales pretty badly (only 1 enemy every 2 levels)
  • Physical Link feels like a debuff. Sharing damage with a tank (which has at least 3x more hp) with yourself, a squishy wizard, isn’t a very good idea for yourself
  • Not many useful spells can be shared, and the only wizard one (quick cast) does not share increased damage…

For the above reasons, is not very useful above C1.
Here’s a few suggestions on ways to change/fix Linker skills so it may be more useful for C2/C3:

  • Joint Penalty: Allow it to work with AoE damage again (much needed for end game), but add a maximum number of hits to it. Make the maximum number of hits to scale with level. Something close to how blessing works? Also increase maximum link range for every level, making links harder to break and easier to mob. This way many players will want to go C3 to max Joint Penalty’s number of attacks and range.
  • Physical Link: Distribute damage according to players max HP (or current HP), making tanks actually absorb more damage from DPS/Cleric. Also make it work with heals, allowing players to step on heals to heal party members accordingly. This could be an interesing mechanic for clerics, who would be able to lay down heal tiles and step on them himself to heal party members
  • Spiritual Chain: Make shared buffs ignore max buff limit. This way useless buffs such as Hong or Guardian won’t occupy buff limit count.

Linker C1 is easily the strongest C1 class in the Wizard tree.

JP + Hangman Knot only need C1 to be extremely useful throughout the entire game.
On KR server you will notice the strongest PVP wizards all have c1 Linker, even after the nerfs.

Espeically in PVE. It’s extremely good. In dungeons you’ll have no problem finding 5 mobs, and the link radius is huge.

Yeah the other skills suck, but the attributes are also over powered.

I don’t see another Rank 1 class matching up to the power and utility that linker 1 gives.
Cyro only gets icewall and icebolt (nerfed in PVP). IcePike is only good WITH LINKER!
Two amazing skills and amazing attributes is all you need from a circle.

Also, Physical Link is NOT for dungeons. Never use it in dungeons. It’s for partying up with your mates so you share the damage. Especially in a 2 man party and you’re both wizards vs a couple archer mobs.

This not only allows you to survive longer, it alerts your teammate that you’re getting rekt by an archer and need help ASAP.

It’s not useful at a high level like most skills in lower class ranks.

I guess I should’ve specified PvE wise, since every type of CC is too powerful in PvP, and you usually only need 1 point/rank to get CC skills, such as Cryo’s ice Bolt/Pike/Wall for example. CC in general needs to be revised for PvP as its completely unbalanced, so thats not the focus here.

Yes. theres no shortage on finding 5 mobs in dungeons, but more than that? Since C2/C3 goes to 8/10 enemies, which aren’t that easy to link together (because far away enemies breaks the links). The issue is that C1 is too good, and C2/C3 is pretty meh in comparison. My proposed change of adding a max amount of hits but allowing it to work with AoE attacks is a way to make C1 less powerful (since AoE is a good buff but Max hits is a big nerf), while increasing usefullness of C2/C3.

And you said that its not useful in high levels as most skills of lower levels… But then again we have cleric’s heal and safety zone, priest’s buffs/healing/reviving, wiz’s quick cast, surespell and magic missile, cryo’s ice bolt, ice pike and ice wall, petalsta’s block rate and taunt, and so on. Theres no shortage of useful end game skills at lower levels.

The density of mobs before and after 158-175 are great for linkers.
You can always just mob monsters yourself with auto attacks, it’s not difficult.

And you’re forgetting that you can combo your links with abilities. Like a pyro 2 linker 2 would get full use out of his 8 links every-time, because he wants all mobs and his fireballs to be hangman knotted.

When you go C2 just for the new ability ,you’ve made yourself party dependent. UmbilCord is extremely good in the right party. Quickcast and Running shot especially. Those two skills alone make it worthwhile. But that’s party dependent - and 8 links are even more superior in dungeon runs.