Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion of how implement a Full respec

WARNING: If you are against respec (full reset) PLEASE don’t even waste your time reading and posting here. The text will be long and boring for you and i would really appreciate a clean, nice and non warlike rude language post. If you want only to mess around we don’t need you here. Make your own post. For people who want or find interesting the idea, all constructive suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

Now then the suggestion. Create a special place with 1 + max rank rooms (1+7 for now). Once you enter you can leave ONLY after you went through all respec procedure.

Room 0: set up room. A place with your storage to put your equips (for weight purpuse) as you will revert back to level 1 once you advance to next room. Here its “saved” the char information about the current level and rank(backup for evental problem and calculations for further rooms ). Once you proceed to the next room you will revert back to level 1, have ALL your extra status from quest cleaned as well all "main quests"
reset. All quest itens deleted. If you didnt put the equipments in the storage, they will be unequipped. You need to do later again all main quests for extra status.

Room 1: from here and henceforth every room will give you one xp card. It will give enough xp to be able to max the class rank and advance. I’m sure people would LOVE if each room had some dummys to test skills and you could reset the skills unlimited for test.

Room 2~X(your rank): you will keep getting xp cards each room until you relevel back to your original level and rank. Again, having each room dummys to test would be awsome.

Suggested “Cooldown” = Once per month.
Suggested price = maybe around 200 TP? (aside patchs that brings great changes)

OBS: why rooms 0~X? Maybe its easier to implement this way? Like Room 1 the xp card given is the amount need to max the class rank.

If this dont matter, then ok, whatever its “easier”.

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Well then, lets see…
“I think theres no need to worry about weight …”

For this in my country have a saying: “The insurance died of old age”. Would be a big problem having a storage there? Even if its not for weight purpose but whatever need the player would have to use storage.

“hmm… you mean, the bonus stats from main quest will be LOST when you do a full reset? so you have to do them again to get the bonus points again? i think thats not needed as a dev can easily track…”

Really? Are you sure? Are you a programmer? Do you know TOS data and codes? How its wrote, compiled etc so that you can affirm it? Can you do it easily FOR EACH char? Recalculate, check and whatever need to do it. Prevent bugs and others problems? It would be far more simple and easy “reset back to lv 1”. SURE would be better for us players and easier but in the programming world there is a saying: “The easier for the users, the worse for the programmers.”

“Oh like a live skill simulator eh? looks nice… any dancing queen inside?”

Its just a suggestion to people who whine about “dont know the skill. Want to test it. Bla bla bla”. Whatever. You paid for it so letting test would kill someone? But i think even if you are against it there are a lot others who would really apreciate it.

“Oh, lots a rooms! but i think you missed one very important factor… how about class? class QUEST?..”

Yeah. Lots of rooms. Each room a class rank. The logic is that by making a “kind of pattern” the programming of the reset system would be easier.
About the classes, yeah, this time they(IMC) would have to “give up” about quest and give all the rank options for free. However you already DID the advance quest once anyways, even if it was for another class.

“if i dont have skills/stats or i cant equip my equipment’s due to fact that im low rank compared to the item requirement then how can i complete the quest?”

Set up room for this. Unequipped all your equips. Storage there too.

“Also… what if i get disconnected while doing this?..”

SET UP ROOM. Thats why its a “special place” where you have an extra carefull backup (sytem) for whatever problems may occur. And you CAN NOT leave the “special place” before the respec procedure.

“What if someone exploited this and made a hack where someone can reset a level 1 char to max level?
How long will it take to develop such a system?
If bugs/glitch like incorrect calculation of stat points happens? whats next?”

Man, its the same as “delete the d@mn char” but you are given xp card to level back. The system should be able to calculate: your level and mainly your current rank and exp. From this follow a pattern (one room one rank) untill you reach your past rank and give one “last” card to reach your exp before respec. They have BOTH EXP CARDS AND CLASS EXP TABLE.

“I have a better idea anyway… wait… lemme post a thread about it…”

Sure go ahead. A respec or even class reset is a must once new classes or rank 8, 9 etc comes. GO AHEAD AND DONT COME BACK. I won’t waste my time with you again.

OBS: can you read? Or have some cognitive problem? I suppose i wrote: “If you are against respec (full reset) PLEASE don’t even waste your time reading and posting here.”. Then: “If you want only to mess around WE DON’T NEED YOU HERE.” Thanks.

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