Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Healing Revamp

Hi there!

This was something I’ve been tossing around in my head for quite a while, but I would like to share it here for discussion.

I know that the healer’s job is for Clerics, but I think that the other base classes should be able to have sustainability, not just via potions, but via skills as well.

It would certainly not surpass, nor be par with the healing abilities of Cleric’s heals, but it allows for Clericless parties or non-Cleric solo to function better than they do, having skills to rely on sustainability instead of potions or on a healer.

Blood Sucking is pretty much the only non-Cleric skill that heals(if only the caster). And I believe that adding more skills like that wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Here are a few examples of skills which would go well to have some sort of healing ability.

Swordie having a shield block option without needing Peltasta, but Peltasta healing up while blocking, similar to Mediguard in FFXIII.

Barbarian Warcry restoring a %tage of the user’s max HP based on the number of targets affected.

Dragoon getting a Lancet skill which restores HP/SP based on the damage dealt, higher damage = more HP/SP restored.

Linker’s Physical Link sharing healing effects across everyone linked as well, instead of just damage. Or maybe a Spiritual Chain/Lifeline attribute that heals all allies that are linked.

Necromancers being able to use a portion of their stored corpses to heal themselves, or a self heal upon killing an enemy using Gather Corpse.

Warlock’s Drain giving a self heal depending on the amount of absorbed spirits.

A Hunter skill that orders the pet to give a healing item to a nearby ally(prioritizing the lowest health ally), doesn’t actually use a potion but the skill level = lv of the potion to be used.

Wugushi’s Detoxify restoring HP along with removing Poison, where the healing is increased if you successfully removed a poison debuff from that target.

Falconer’s Call:obtain instead of giving random junk make the bird return with a random HP/MP potion that restores a small/medium/large amount of either HP/SP. Has a separste cooldown than Call’s cooldown so you can’t spam Call to heal yourself to full easily.

I also have a suggestion for Clerics themselves, perhaps weakening the heal on Heal/Mass Heal, but opening up more options to heal yourself, or your allies.

Krivi’s Aukuras functioning like Healing Factor, but ticking considerably slower and weaker than Healing Factor. The healing effect only exists for the first 15/30/45 seconds depending on the Krivis circle.

Sadhus being able to heal allies that they pass through via Prakriti as an attribute.

Druid 3 attribute that also heals allies stepping on Chort when Strea Trofh is active.

What do you guys think? I’d love to see a discussion about this, as I’m an avid fan of healers.

Just need some kind of enchantment that gives life leech and it would be fine, like 1% healing from damage.

Just that 1% would be enough to avoid the need of a cleric tho, except if you take heavy damage during the fights and become incapacitated.

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I was considering Lifesteal as well but I’d find it hard to balance around and would make the game more gear reliant as it is. Even a 1% on a damage capped heavily geared Snipe for example, would heal 5k HP already, along with dealing that much damage, whereas someone poorer geared would have a harder time healing up.

Edit: I like it, but I find it hard to find a damage:healing ratio that would be healthy. Perhaps adding a cap to the heal per hit?

The problem to make it individual in skill is that it would make too much of a trouble to balance it, life steal on the other hand can be easily balanced, I said 1% as an example, as we know, with the actual damage method, it would make all classes self-sufficient.

We can lower the %, since it’s only applied to enchantment (headgear pieces) it could be lowered to 0.2% or lower or higher, just to keep a small balancing.

If the objective is just to sustain at certain point, lets say to field pve, we take that as base for the balance, if the char can survive a fight with 10+ mob (mixed, phys, ranged and magic) using this, it’s good enough, now on a dungeon, things are different, you shouldn’t be able to survive in a dungeon only from that, specially on dungeons close to your level since the mob there is stronger.

Also, some penalties should be applied, for example, you can’t life leech ghost armored enemies or poison element enemies.

It’s far easier than code things in each skill related on your main post, also, consider that IMC’s dev don’t even know what happened to their own codding in the first place, or we would had a better polished game by now with less bugs, not many as of now, old and new.

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I’ve always considered that maybe by looking at it in a per skill basis that would be easier to balance. But by how you explained it, it honestly would be a bigger hassle since everybody would most likely have a rank in whatever I suggested.

Also I didn’t consider IMC’s dev team, but I don’t think either of our solutions would be that hard even with IMC’s standards

Don’t forget blood curse and blood bath! Hopefully every class gets a class that has a healer too cause cleric has circles that DPS…

The only Base Classes that should be able to recover HP via a skill are Wizards and Clerics.

The Swordsmen and Archer Classes should continue drinking potions, it’s ridiculous anyway that you recieve such low damage values once you got level 280+ armor at upgrade levels over 6 and transcendence stages of 2 or 3…

If you want some Heal for Swordsmen and Archer, the consequences should be severe cuts of damage capabilities similar to the Cleric Classes. Just look at them running around with mostly 1-2 damage skills per Rank (even the Red iconed Classes) except for the Rank 8 Classes.

Now imagine Archer or Swordsman get a healing skill while they have 8 Ranks full of damage skills, that’s not very balanced or fair.

What they could do is offer them attributes that speed up natural HP recovery rate for 30 seconds but cuts damage by 70% for 60 seconds in return, with 60 seconds CD time.

And btw, Healing skills are rare. Cleric Classes have only 2 healing skills in total, Heal(Cleric) and Mass Heal (Priest).
All other skills rather boost the healing process (e.g. Healing Factor) or recovery rate (e.g. Restoration,Aukuras).

True, when I first play this game I think Cleric classes is a “Heal/Support” class. But now, it’s more like Cleric is an Multi-ability and also DPS class.

So I think adding heal kinda skill to every class is good, like you said above.

I just find that Cleric’s sustainability(or rather, the other base classes’ lack of sustainability) to be a little unfair. I farm prac mats with a full support Chap and a full dps PD just because of the lack of any need to heal via potions or whatsoever, even though their clear speed doesn’t match my SR.

I wasn’t expecting nor suggesting said heals to be as strong as what Cleric has, just enough to let Clericless parties or someone soloing content to have an easier time doing content(not like said content is that hard after revamp).Something that they can rely on instead of “oh hey I’m low HP time to chug pots or sit on a bonfire for who knows how long”

I like the attribute suggestion, maybe making it a universal skill like RO’s First Aid that all base classes have, or make the /sit regen HP rapidly out of combat when on critical HP, until you are not at critical HP would be nice.

Again, with mostly only 1 or 2 skills to damage. Cleric has 2, Priest 1, Krivis 1, Bokor 3, Dievdirbys 2, Sadhu 2, Paladin 3, Pardoner 2, Monk 6, Chaplain 1, Oracle 1, Druid 1, Miko 2, Plague Doctor 2, Kabbalist 1, Inquisitor 4 and Taoist 3 damage skills.

Only 5 of 15 Classes have more than 2 damage skills, and only 2 of those 5 are red iconed “DPS” Classes[as Bokor is now a purple-iconed Summoner Class].

They could actually pull off the RO move by making a Bracelet that allows the use of a nerfed level 1 Heal (no overheat; similar to Vitata card) but increases the SP consumption of all skills by 25%.
Should be as hard to get as possible, 0,01% drop chance would be nice.

I’d farm the hell out of that.

I think the main problem is that those 1/2 skills are pretty much all that you need, along with most Cleric builds either having Priest, or more than one Cleric circle that allows for them to deal very consistent dps, on top of being able to keep themselves and people around them alive.

With the new armor update incoming that boosts both Cloth and Plate armor (also Shield def) by a large margin there isn’t really any more need for Heals outside of ET or maybe world bossing. Even without upgrades or transcendence, a full level 315 Plate set + shield nets in ~3000 defence alone. If you got some base CON (60-100) and enough CON on equip, it’s easy to reach over 200 CON, which will let you recover ~ 12k HP per HP potion every 30 seconds.

If you still recieve more than 12k damage with all that defence (which results in ~ 15% damage from level 315-330 monsters) in 30 seconds, you can upgrade and transcend your gear to stage 2-3 or just learn how to evade attacks actively by moving…

I think the main issue of people complaining that they have no healing ability is that they are either scrooges who don’t want to pay for pots or have 0 points invested into CON…
To solve this issue there are two options:

  1. get some CON

or 2. Play Cleric.

You explicitly chose a Class that’s unable to Heal when you started the game.
Complaining afterwards is like complaining on the Cleric side that you’re unable to use bows to attack from range and while moving…

It would be horrible if Clerics had no damage at all. How are you supposed to advance through all this content without any damage to back you up?
I absolutely despise games that make Cleric Classes just some 08/15 weak support-slaves that can’t do anything by themselves. Getting carried through content isn’t just boring but also pretty annoying <_<

It would be quite nice if they’d tune down Heal a little in favor of more damage imo.
I rarely ever use the skill to heal myself anyway, it’s mostly just to damage some enemies.

Mass Heal is pretty good for party healings, but it’s worse than Praktiris healing attribute once you’ve got some CON. That’s why I hope that Praktiri will never heal anyone besides the Sadhu that uses it. It would make every content even easier, especially after Rank 9 comes out and we’ll see Praktiris healing up to over 300.000 HP every 9 seconds(mine currently heals 60-130k, next cap with max Ein Sof it will easily break the 200k wall)…

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Maybe I’m just overestimating damage taken. 2 of 3 of my mains are Clerics and the last one is a full Con CryoChronoSage.

I wasn’t trying to say that Clerics should have no damage. It’s just that said damage is often backed up with pretty good supportability. Unlike Wiz tree, whose support classes don’t bring any sort of damage whatsoever, Cleric classes often bring good damage, along with good supportability. It’s definitely not a bad thing, since it lets them do content without getting carried(unlike what my cryochronosage does).

I completely forgot about CON boosting heals until you pointed it out. I was wondering why my sage was getting healed for obscenely large amounts of health upon stepping on a Heal tile or getting Mass Healed.

I have clerics, but I also have completely heal-less classes.
And I honestly don’t feel the need for them. If I play a full DPS class that can kill mobs in a couple of hits, I don’t expect to be tanky/have healing skills. If I want to be more independent and survive longer, I’d go with CON, HP enchanted accessories, enhanced gear.

Let’s take an example: earlier I did 290 runs with my Chrono, and there were 3 archers (the cryo ditched us - and was right to do so honestly). Those archers had bad DPS and they didn’t have pots, or low level ones (like the base ones you get when you begin the game). They died. A lot. I never died. Even when they all died and I was left alone against 10 magical mobs, I didn’t die. Why ? Because I’m not a moron. I have level 15 HP pots and I kited them. I didn’t face tanked them. They face tanked them even when they had 1k HP. What the hell are you doing, dude ? Are you that masochistic ? @_@
Another 290 run, this time on my Archer, we were 3 or 4 Archer, we had one tank I believe. I didn’t die, even though I always had most of the aggro. Because of EVA, HP pots… and simply running away, to safety, when I was dying.

Runs without a cleric are still completely doable, you just need stop face tanking and using your skills without paying attention to your health or your party’s.
The issue is that a lot of people need babysitting. They want to just stand still and attack (only doable if you kill super fast), they don’t care about grouping the mobs more effectively, manually dodging, being careful, helping each other or this kind of things.
I think in terms of survivability this game is fine now. Mobs and bosses hit WAY less than they used to. If even at this point you cannot survive… It’s seriously just a question of learning how to play, your limits, how to use your character.
Obviously there are some exceptions, like ET, HG, PvP, but in other contents the way it currently is seems totally okay.

I see a LOT of DPS classes (archers and swordsmen mostly) without SP pots either. Shall we add better SP regen or skills that regen SP as well ? No. Your skills require SP, your face tank requires HP, the fact you’re melee requires HP : get some pots.