Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Guild ui/functions/raids/leadership powers

The “Guild System” in tree of savior, much like the control system needs a complete overhaul from the ui to the functionality to the raid system to the raid item distribution system.

Starting with the UI, as a guild leader myself I find it very very elementary. First of all, it’s very convoluted. It does not lend itself to the player clearly, and consicely. Players within the guild ui show only their name…thats it. I’d like there to be much more information available to the guild leader anf the members. For the guild leader, it would be nice to be able to see the player’s team/ char name, logout time, and class build.

The note system is useless, it would be nice again as the guild leader to be able to put notes on players in the guild ui that stay there and dont multiply to every player on the ui.

The invite/expel powers we can give players is clunky and the check boxes dont even line up with the player name in the ui. We could also add more abilities such as the ability to start raids, only available if the guild leader allows it for a specific player, same with GvG.

The idea of the guild tower for guild world pvp is interesting on paper, yet in execution it is just frustrating and annoying. I LOVE world pvp in videogames, however, having the ability to destroy a guild tower rendering the entire guild completely useless is simply, bad. If you want players to pvp in the world, allow them to flag themselves as hostile or allow a guild leader to flag their guild as hostile so they can pvp. Do not make there be such a huge drawback to losing their guild tower. What ends up happening is a guild that really wants to pvp will find out when their opponent is offline mostly then take advantage of that by attacking while noone can defend it. I’ve experienced it as both a guild leader and guild member and neither experience was fulfilling.

The guild tower needs to have more information in the guild boss hunt/raid section. Ticket requirements would be nice.

The raids in the guild tower are fun, BUT, the incentive to run them is simply not there. None of the raids drop anything worth having until guild level 14…14!!! My guild is lvl 12 and our only incentives to run the raids is sometimes someone wants a guinea pig mount. The level 12 Demon Prison raid is actually really fun and the last boss is actually difficult and requires a bit of communication. Lets have more of that, with useful drops, and more of that, with useful drops, and more of that, with useful drops.

In a nutshell, any time I have to use a system OUTSIDE of ToS, that is diminishing from the experience INSIDE of the game. Here’s a tip for imc’s marketing department, make rank reset vouchers, 10-15 usd a pop, put them on the tp shop. You’ll have all the money you need to make things happen in this game. Also, weren’t we(NA) supposed to be up to date with Ktos in patches?

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy