Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion: Guild Recruitment Shout Tab

This one is pretty simple. I am pretty sure that there are people out there who dislike seeing guilds spam their recruitment pitches in the “shout” chat tab.

Maybe have a new tab for guilds that want to show the server theyre recruiting without requiring megaphones. It would clean up the normal shout tab and also make me feel less scummy for copy pasting my recruitment pitch in the shout chat. Maybe have a popup at the beginning of the game when you’re sent to the templar master to start questing in klaipeda that tells you about guilds and the guild recruitment pitch chat tab.

Maybe make a new templar megaphone that you can buy with silver from the templar master to reduce excessive spamming, or the exploitation of it being a shout chat with no tp necessary. Potentially make it a templar only megaphone if spamming does happen.

You could also allow links to our forum recruitment page so that there isnt such a huge disconnect between the ingame and out of game elements. As I’ve stated before, any time I have to use an out of game system, it diminishes from the ingame experience.

@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ines