Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] Founder System / Cash Pack

Hello, Im NOT doing this topic thinking about doing ANYTHING p2w, so dont come over here to trash talk please. Im doing this suggestion for the company, since ANY company need money to survive, and I believe doing some kind of “Founder” that could have for exemple some itens/cash for X amount of money before the release of the game, it could even be itens from the SHOP + some cash with bit of discount, this way it would NEVER be p2w, since the only difference would be a bigger discount for buying it before the release.
It would be good for both, company that would receive more money upfront and players because they would have discount on those itens.
Or just a CASH package with X% discount for limited time until the official release.
I`m not one of the “rich” guys who can buy everything, but at least I understand that games/companys, have hard work and they also have bills to pay, theres no such thing as “games are only for fun”, making games and stuff like that is also a JOB for lot of people.

If someone have the e-mail or know how to send ticket, I was trying to do that for 3-4 days but I didnt find where to send ticket so I created this topic.

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Most games that do that charge for beta access and IMC is just giving it away for free so the founders pack seems kinda pointless. As for the discounted shop stuff you will likely see that through steam after release as it is common for them to do things like that.

It really depends on what they have in their cash shop.If they have items in it to give other players an advantage over others,then this would add even more of an advantage to those people.If it’s just cosmetics and other items like most of us are hoping it is,then I don’t see an issue with it.We don’t know what the store will have,so no one can really take a stance right now.

But any discounts before release is pointless since most likely it’s all going to get wiped,and they aren’t charging us for anything to begin with.

I came here thinking “PLEASE NOT THIS S*** AGAIN” then I thought “I suppose they could do something by bundling in items from the cash shop at a discount. (e.g: $20 worth of goods for $15)” then I saw…

It appears we are on the same page and you thought this through unlike some people who blindly try to defend something in the name of something else. Good suggestion deserves :cookie:

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What I mean is, for exemple, some games do things like that, and in release they give everything back to you.
If the game have some kind of itens that gives advantage it would be p2w by itself.
What I mean by founder is just something that for exemple, already have in cash shop, itens that even without it everyone would be able to get, just a pack that could give a better discount, this way the publisher would get a little more money faster from both players who want to support, and also players who see a good discount would probably buy.

It would need to have an exclusive item or something to have any point.If it’s full of stuff anyone can get for just a little more or separately without the extra crap they don’t can bet they’re going to wait.

I like that IMC isn’t following the herd on this,at least for now.If they do founder’s packs the right way,I’m fine with supporting it.But most of them do it greedily and in a way that makes a huge rift in the player-base,and it seems better to avoid any potential trouble for them.

Sorry Anderson, but Founder Pack are worst what game developers make to mmos (and not only mmos). They take money for unfinished product. Its like writer made you buy half made book. Or bakery for unbaked bread.
Yes i know that company need money, but for sure its shouldn’t be reason to take this money from players. And what happen (hopes not) if game wont come out? You wont get this money back.
Most FP contain items that don’t cost amount of dollars you spend on it. In most of cases you pay for access to betas (exclusive for founders), and early access (like week before rest) + some exclusive show off items/titles. Early access is p2w.
Discount is bad idea from very begin. If rate is good for players (savings over cost of FP) its bad for company, who loose money on discount. So its not perfect.

I am fine with the idea as long as there is no in game advantage given to founder items and these are purely cosmetic. For example, statless costumes, reservation of character names etc sound alright.


Exactly.I would actually just pay for a reservation of my IGN if it were available.I think a lot of us would.

Yea, thats the point.
It could be things like that, that dont affect the game, “perks” that lot of people really would pay for, since for exemple, I DO care about nickname, Im SURE Ill buy cash later, so for players like me, we would be able to help the company faster.
Theres lot of ways that they could make money without affecting the game, if they dont abuse of things like that, would be better for everyone.

I just the cash shop only sells cosmetics like costume headgears/suits not items that will ruin the point of grinding/hunting items in the game.

How about a founders outfit. No stats or anything. I’d do that if it was cool.