Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion for [SA]Silute crowded cities problem


This is my thought on how to fix the current problem of crowded cities,(orsha/klaipedia):

Make afk/buff/repairing in cities “kickable” from the city to player’s last warp point, unless you’re 125+lvls above from the city’s map level.

Why i have this “fix” in my head.

repair/buff shops should be on farming spots, not on the city.
There’s no point on going back to the city if i could pay the worth of 25-35mins in that farming spot for buffs and repairs. Right?

There are safe spots on all grinding maps that a player could set up a repair/buff shop.
Aswell as going afk.

here in Brazil it’s common for players, in F2P games, to have a considerable ammount of accounts.
There are some players that do it, even if it would bring the banhammer upon their ips.

If you’re not max lvl, with all the things you have to do in this game… Why are you sitting duck in the city? Just because they can… that’s why.

And why do they do that? I don’t know… the only reason i think are those 5 free TPs you get.

Why do we have to deal with people staying at town the whole day to get 5 fluffing tp? 5 untradable motherfluffers tp?

I say we dont have to dealt with that crap!

Are you with me against the cheap corruption for crystals and meph, i mean megaphones?!?!

clear throat

Sorry for that, the meds didn’t kicked yet…