Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion for chronomancer rebalance

Well in current scenario, you see all players dependent on thing called “burst potential” of a DPS class.
No one bothers about sustained DPS. The culprit is only one class in reality.
This is because you need no gears and scaling for chronomancer buffs. It makes it hugely cheap but still overpowered buffing machine whom any class irrespective of DPS or support build will want to have around.

But it simply denies the thing called “sustained DPS”. You can burst multiple times with that “Pass” alone. Not even talking about other buffs here.

Also this makes it very biased compared to other buff builds like priest3 chaplains and thauma3 who have to invest in gears and attribute to get best out of it.

Why chronomancer are left out with that treatment? Why not add stat scaling on them too, so that they need to thing a bit before making one? Currently, players just make a chronomancer build with whatever stat allocation they want to and still be a good support because chrono needs no scaling whatsoever.
Why chronomancers have this unfair advantage?

So I suggest some scaling changes.
Haste (max lv15)
+mspd= 5+ [skill lv]x1

+mspd= SPRx[skill lv]/700 [rounded down](mspd cap still applies)

Pass (max lv5)
cd reduced=[skill lvl]x5

cd reduced=SPR x [skill lvl] / 170

Quicken (max lv15)
+atk spd= 30+ [skill lv]x20

+atk spd= ??? (no visible numeral value so can’t make a formula on my own)

It will cut down the numbers of chrono “experimental” builds and still reward someone who heavily invest in SPR gears.

This SPR will be base stats+ gear stats and unaffected by any other stat buffing skills like lifeline etc.

P.S. I am complete noob in programming and coding stuff. These formula I made are “what I felt should be good enough”.
“Max lv” is Skill lv which is attained by skill points. You can still add gems and divine might to improve them further.


tbh, Chronomancer is getting shadowed since combat change.

  1. No more grinding party
  2. ASPD is not important anymore, either replaceable by dex or quicken scroll or ping limit
  3. The game meta shifting to burst damage as peoples stack high skill factor % + high atk which can take down 3m-10m bosses in 10-20s.
  4. Pass it not a must in ET anymore, but some classes like elememe/dopple will still rely on it.
  5. Some superior world boss build like druid/murmillo doesn’t need pass to be sustain, while other builds also can’t close to top them even with chrono.

Chrono is as good as it is, but not as shine as it was.

They have also reduced movement speed gained from Haste in TBL by some big value. The only change I would like to see with chrono is to make Pass chrono1 skill with +10sec attribute at chrono3. So it is 1sec*skillvl+10sec(at rank3). And Instead make Quicken stronger but lvl5.

I agree that all supports should have to invest in stats in order to improve the effectiveness of their abilities. As of right now, Chronomancer is the only 3 Circle Mage support that doesn’t have a meaningful stat contribution to any of its processes.

As for Pass, I believe the only real way to fix Pass without an overhaul is to have it apply an irremovable, unpreventable 50 second debuff to all affected targets that makes them ineligible to receive the benefits of Pass. Pass stacking grants too much power in a single skill. It’s the only support skill in the game that in all situations encourages stacking a single class for no other reason than a single ability.

Chronomancer is actually pretty good, but it should stop to being niche support for physical attackers.

My idea for an overhaul:

  • Remove the Quicken:Critical Rate attribute and replace it with a new attribute that gives casttime reduction and critical rate boost

  • Slow should induce damage over time debuffs, depending on the skillevel, to make the skill worth skilling and give the Chronomancer an option to deal damage; The idea behind this is that slowing down the metabolism makes the body degenerate faster than it can regenerate itself

  • Haste cast in the proximity of enemies should increase their damage-debuff ticks, depending on the skillevel (5% less time per tick per skillevel, at level 10 damage intervall is half of the normal one, making e.g. bleeding or Exorcise tick twice as often in their duration);
    this effect + Slow would make a great combo for dealing damage without having to completely rely on other Classes in your build to give you damage

  • Stop could get an attribute that allows you to stop your party instead to give you an invincibility effect for some time; would be a great addition to the supportive roster and make Stop worthy to level up

  • Reincarnate could be boosted to allow you to use the skill on yourself in case you die (not applicable in TBL/GVG); However, doing so should send the skill on a longer CD time

I honestly have no idea how hard it would be, but there could also be a time-management system for Chronomancer that allows the Chronomancer to store & gain time by stopping monsters and using Slow on them.

The stored time you effectively stole from your targets could them be utilized to craft magic clocks [i.e. “Overclocks” from overclocking] which allow you to gain certain boosts for a short amount of time when used.

Those Overclocks will allow you to overclock your body, allowing to go beyond the maximum movement speed limit of 60 if it’s a Haste-Overclock and double your Attackspeed if it’s a Quicken-Overclock. However, being overclocked will disable all skilluseage and dispell all your active buffs.

I cant believe this thread exists. This looks like a huge nerf to chrono not balance. Something imc might do in the future knowing them.

Assuming I have 500 spr
500x5= 2500/170
=14.7 or lets say 15 seconds cd reduction. It will be different with haste gem and divine might.

I’ll be frank here. Chrono is fine as it is. They are the most boring character to play and if you take away its main feature it will be trash. Basically nerfing chronos is tantamount to saying that at least level 10 transcendence is required to do et since there will be a lot of downtime because of this genius idea over here.

Just my 2 cents. Though this is most likely what imc would do in the future knowing them. It is inevitable that even supports will be given the so called buff hammer.

Chrono isn’t fine as it is. Because it has no cons as a Support. The fact you find it boring is your own opinion, it’s subjective. Personally I find it really fun to play.
The problem is that Chrono has really good buffs and it’s the only class offering this kind of party buffs (a lot of movement speed, good mobile cd reduction, reincarnating, attack speed with a crit rate bonus) but you don’t need any kind of scaling.
For other classes, for example with Blessing, to get over 2k you need to invest heavily on SPR through stats but also gear. Expensive, rare gear. Chrono can just pick up whatever fits their agenda to get more DPS and their skills won’t suffer from it. They can go full CON to survive much more easily, and their skills won’t suffer from it.
I don’t think the scalings should be as heavy as the ones BurningFighter showed, but I still agree that Chrono needs some stats usefulness.

I enjoy the gameplay of Chronomancer but what I find boring is the fact you don’t need to think at all about your build. Just max Haste, Pass, Quicken, go full CON to survive or INT if you want extra damages and voilà. Just do whatever you want, no need to put any thoughts into the class.

Just make Pass be a buff that halves the cooldown, put a duration of 5-10 seconds and it will be fine.

I agree with scaling in Quicken and Haste though.

That looks actually useful in contrast to the current 25-30 seconds reduction that is much more useful for low CD skills.
It also stops the 2-3 Chrono meta of alternate Pass-spamming to allow 1-2 players to spam their skills like no tomorrow.

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