Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] Current Skill System needs a little change!

ehhhh don’t know about you but i can still use energy bolt lv 5 and still one shot most stuff lel

you forgot that gaining 10 levels adds 10 atk, and that adding 10 int will actually give you 12 so it would be 134

but also consider that if you have an attribute for it you can increase the damage by a %, up to 100% in most cases and its base off final damage. so lets look at the example you gave.

134 - lets say 35 def? thats about vubbe probably so 99 with 10% attribute (which should be reachable at this point i think?) thats 108 vs removing 22 making the final damage 77 instead of 99 making 10% bonus 7 for a total damage of 84. now also remember that energy bolt is 1.5x modifier (cause it’s a special case) so the 108 becomes 162 and the 84 becomes 122. just some things to keep in mind