I would like to formally inquire as to why we have websites like tos.neet.tv and tosbase.com which both contain fragmented and wholly incomplete data about ToS. I agree that there should be some mystery to new players about certain bits of information, but for two years I’ve had to guess about MOST decisions I’ve had to make. Many of the decisions I’ve made were pieced together by taking some random information off of someone’s 1 year old post on the forums, trying to identify whether or not the information still holds true by talking to players ingame, then finally doing whatever it is in hopes that all the information I’ve gathered is correct.
Unless I am completely wrong and this already exists on some far corner of google, yahoo, ask jeeves…I would like to propose a new tab on the Tree of Savior main page that has all of the COMPLETE information for Items, Monsters, Bosses, Dungeons, Npcs, and anything else that we as players need for a game that’s as convoluted as this one.
Now before anyone gets up in arms about, “this game is about community and the community should help you with that”. Well, yes, I’ve used the addons that were, some would say, necessary to the core experience of the game. I’ve used tosbase.com and tos.neet.tv for the past, however long they’ve been live. The problem I have with them is that the information is lacking, poorly translated, or just simply, not there.
It would just be really nice to not have to see a bit of information on some website and have to confirm with 10 other people then use that information and have it not be exactly what you expected. I’d like to add that I very much appreciate what tosbase.com and tos.neet.tv does for us, but it is just not enough.
@STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri