Tree of Savior Forum

[SUGGESTION] Alchemist improviments

Let’s make Alchemist Fun Again! :slight_smile:

- Homunculus - New Atribute that’s allows Alchemists C3 to evolve your Homunculus.

Will be nice if homunculus have a upgrade system, each lvl can make them strong and extend the duration time.

Duration time:
Rank 1 - 10 Days
Rank 2 - 20 Days
Rank 3 - 30 Days
Rank 4 - 60 Days
Rank 5 - Permanent

Items requerid:
Rank 1 - 1 Alchemist’s Stone
Rank 2 - 5 Alchemist’s Stone + 1 "Special item of your Type"
Rank 3 - 10 Alchemist’s Stone + 5 "Special item of your Type"
Rank 4 - 20 Alchemist’s Stone + 10 "Special item of your Type"
Rank 5 - 30 Alchemist’s Stone + 20 “Special item of your Type”

To evolve your Homunculus will be used more alchemist’s stones, based on their lvl, and a special item that can be used when evolving to change their tipe (Ex: Philosopher’s stone). You have to choosen one Type after Rank 1.

Type 1 - Defensive (Ex: Will have Taunt and Defensive Skills)
Type 2 - Support (Ex: Could heal its owner)
Type 3 - Offensive (Ex: new offensive skills)

For each rank of the homunculus he will be able to learn a new skill (4 in total at rank 5), these skills will be avaliable to purchase in the alchemist master, you will only be able to choose the skill correspondent to your type. These skills could be something like a spell book, you will buy and use it to learn the skill. in total the Homunculus will have 8 skills, 4 from the master and 4 from spell books.

Each Type will also have a diferente skin, and will become more “beatiful” in high ranks.

Only alchemists c3 will be able to level up the homunculus rank.

- Remove the Space Bar to show the Homunculus stats and put then in a new botton similar to Sorcerer Grimoire. The Homunculus always stay in front the npc’s.

- Remove the Combustion skill and add a new skill “Throw Potion”.

The Alchemist will Throw a potion in a area healing nerby allies, you can choose to use HP or SP potions to heal your HP or SP (Obvious), The SP Throw coud be a attribute.

The Skill lvl of “Throw Potion” will incresse the effectiveness of the potions used.
Lv1 - 100% of the potion healing effect used.
Lv1 - 120% of the potion healing effect used.
Lv1 - 140% of the potion healing effect used.

- New attribute for Alchemist’s Missel, that allow you to use a “Special item 2” (Suggestion name: Wild Fire Potion) to make the skill “stronger” (Really Strong) and have their effects in area around the target, will also add a burn effect in targets.

- The skill Dig will have only 1 level. And a new attibute will be added, this attribute will increase the number of items acquired from Dig.

Note: The “Special items” will be made from Magnum Opus, similar to Alchemist’s Stone.


I really like this xD

This looks like ROs Homunculus system…

And everybody loves it :slight_smile:

And? Whats the problem?