----------------------------------------------------------------- PORTUGUESE
Ola povo, vamos colocar aqui nossas sugestões de roupas que queremos ver no jogo, conversando com alguns amigos foi dada a sugestão de roupas de sereias e tritões, roupas anos 70 e etc. A importância do tópico é dar ao máximo de sugestões para ajudar na grande variedade de temas visuais no jogo.
----------------------------------------------------------------- SPANISH
Aca vamos poner nuestra sugerencias de ropas q gustarian en el juego. Hablando con alguns amigos, gustarian de temas como: sirenas y tritones, ropa años 70 y etc. La importancia del tema es dar al máximo de sugerencias para ayudar en la gran variedad de temas visuales en el juego.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH
we will put here our suggestions of clothes that we want to see in the game, talking with some friends was given the suggestion of mermaid and merlot clothes, 70’s clothes and etc. The importance of the topic is to give the maximum of suggestions to help in the wide variety of visual themes in the game.
---------------------------------------------------------------- My suggestion
About 70s Clothers. I love polka-dot dress and leather jacket. For girl`s, You should create black white polka dot dress, white black polka dot dress and leather jacket versions. For mans, jeans and a black jacket or white shirt. Hair of the 70s, clothes style of the images. I think the boys would like it.
---------------------------------------------------------------- Femmale Hair
---------------------------------------------------------------- Give your suggestions
— Let`s watch Together : @STAFF_Bob @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan