Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] About Character Classe Icons

I think there should be a [Class Icon Change System].

Main feature:
Change your class icon to the earlier class you have.
(Maybe it need some restricts? Like you can only change to those class icons you’ve reach C2/C3.)

Sub feature (not important):
You gain a little bit buff when you are using some skills. Buffed skills are relative to the class icon you are using.

This helps players easier to get four color party for bonus exp.
Why it is important?
Just look at R8 icons…
There are 8 new class, but 6 of them are red icons?!
It’s really hard to give up R8 classes since top-rank-class skills in every patch just OP.
It seems hard to get a four color party after R8 patched.

Another reason is…I really love some low-rank class icons, just LOVE them!
Why I can not keep those icons show at my party list?

Anyone also want this feature in the future? :smiley:

*Sorry for my bad English.


I like the idea.

Maybe add a bonus based on the icon color instead.A buff to r8 skills sounds a bit too overpowered compared to the lower rank skills.

Just an idea:
Red - +1% attack and magic attack
Blue - +HP and HP recovery
Green - +SP and SP recovery
Yellow - Reduced npc prices


A bonus based on the class picked like:

A sword 3 - Cata 3 - Dragon ,for example, if they pick sword icon,their buffs should last a bit longer,if they pick cata,their movespeed should be increased a little and,if they pick dragon,their pirce damage should be increased a little.

No bonus should be high to avoid being overpowered and maybe limit their bonuses based on how many times the class have been repeated too.

Also,there should be a limit of how often those icons can be changed to avoid exploits.Something like once a day or once a week.It can also add some tp cost similar to boss cards,you can change right now by paying X ammount of tp.

Just tossing some ideas :smiley:

You exactly got what I mean, mate!