Tree of Savior Forum

Suggest to remove Wizard class

Currently at Wizard3. Suggesting to remove Wizard class from the game. Wizard class does not have any potential of damage nor support/ ultility. Energy Bolt and Earthquake’s damage is pathetic. I only have 1 word to describe our trump card the ‘Magic Missile’, JOKE.

While Magic Missile looks good on paper, it is really poor on execution. Most of the time during boss fights, the missile will target the traps or adds making our ultimate skill do 0 damage to the boss.It can do full damage if I managed to get a good position for a clear shot . BUT 3 shots of 200+ damage at my lvl while other classes have skills that can hit many more times and higher damage per hit.

I have to confess that I am leeching on my friends to get to this lvl. I am not doing any real damage during mobbing grind, Pathetic damage during boss fights. No ultility nor support for the group unless you feel that reflect shield helps the group alot.

Sincerely suggesting to remove the wizard class from the path. The 2 skills that we are striving for can be given to other mage class so that your fans don’t have to go through this free loader experience and make the whole mage path more enjoyable.

You’re saying that Wizard class doesn’t has damage? Play Archer hahahahahaha

Well, first some guy created a topic saying to remove Archer class because it has very poor damage, high cooldown and high SP consumption. Now other guy says to remove Wizard class because it’s “weak” (so weak that it’s stronger than Archer). Who is the next? Maybe Cleric because playing Swordman is easier? Then we can remove Swordman too and play as Villager.

Why is everybody idea/solution to remove a class? Isn’t it better and easier to >make the class better<?


Is that with mouse mode? If not, they could probably fix it by adding some kind of targeting feature for Keyboard and Gamepad users.

You should review your buiild, you dont do damage with an archer? LOL, i almost 1 shot-kill anything i attack, and boss fights are fast.

Theres target lock mode to enable, press RT on gamepad to activate, its CTRL on keyboard/mouse i think, aim at the boss and you wont losse foxus from it, or at least it shouldnt, never know when theres a bug, but i think if you move away from the boss to the point of taking it out of the screen you lose aim…

i suggest they remove the entire wizard tree, meh.

Freaking troll topic honestly, i wont say wiz is one hell of good class, need balance and im sure many aspects of the stats and attributes need rework, basic attack should scale with INT but its not implemented. Its a BETA and we are in a close beta state so dont go asking to remove something thats not even completed yet lol, you people who only came to play instead of point bugs are a joke.

git gud
just kidding

wizards scale well into late game
every class has their strenghts and weaknesses

Haha so instead of suggesting buffs for the class to help with early levels you’re suggesting to remove the class all together because it’s a “joke” Nobody is going to take you seriously if you’re just going to QQ about a class not doing damage.