Tree of Savior Forum

Suggest any AOE/DPS Build (PVE)

Hi All,

I need a build for any (except swordsman) class that has an outstanding DPS/AOE build. (PVE)

Elemlock (Elementalist>Warlock) seems to be a popular DPS build for wiz.

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sorc 2-3. with the upcoming summoner update sorc 2-3 has the potential to have the widest and longest duration aoe in the game…

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sorc 2-3. with the upcoming summoner update sorc 2-3 has the potential to have the widest and longest duration aoe in the game…

I kinda agree, Cryo3>Sorc might become meta as it can deal a lot of damage while still having utility compared to an Elelock when the update goes live.

If you want to be safe, going Elememe is good.

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Hi, Sorry for asking too much do you have a copy of this build with skill guide? XD

Hm, There are lot variation in terms of the sorc build but this is the one that I’ve chosen.

For the elememe build, it’s really noticeable where your skill points is going to be placed.

The left out points will be entirely be in your preference.

(If there any corrections, please do tell.)

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yes, elememe still safe meta dps for wiz…

i’m just more curious about sorc 2-3 with summoner update… and if devs are changing and revamping the monster card system, cards stats and world bosses for future content, we might have many varied and viable devil summon for sorc 2-3…

Beside of Elememe everyone is talking.

I also recommend this build as alternative to elememe, I think this is the best hybrid build of wizard, It is extremely useful and flexible that can fit into any content of the game. Solo/Team/ET/Solo 290/Solo Saalus and very rounded in any role, tanker with transpose + swell right arm + shield/dps with mastema + pole of agony + dagger/cc with firepillar and shrink monster.
You also can power kill dungeon boss 3m hp with average equipment under 10s with mastema + pole of agony and trigger x8 chap cards.
*If boss cards reworked and no more x8 chappy/mole cheesy pot drinking, thaum3 will getting more important.

Wiz1-Cryo3-Sorcerer2-Necro2 / Wiz1-Cryo3-Sorcerer3-Sage1
I can’t talk much about this since the weapon matk is not updated yet, but definately grouping with frostpillar and AoE with netherbovine’s 9s AoE skill is a dream. And also flexibility of changing your Grimoire Boss Card to deal with any type of bosses.

Also popular build in upcoming Overheat patch, Necro will have 2OH flash cannons and will be great as caster path of Necromancer. Where necromancer is seem hybrid of elementalist+sorcerer.

I had cryo 3 thauma 3 enchanter and its an ok support.

I also had pyro 2 cryo 3 warlock 2 and im really satisfied. Tree+Fire pillar+pole of agony+ mastema. The combo is love although it has long cooldown <3


go plague doctor
both sadhu3pd2 or bokor3pd2 is very strong

any sapper c3
any falconer c3
sapper3-falconer3 too

any elementalist c3
any warlock c2
any psychokino c3 (big aoe, average dps, lack of burst, u’ll need better gear compare to ele/lock)
cryo3sorc2 (kr patch)

You should go wiz3>ele3>wl3 elementalists entire class is based off of AoE skills and warlokc has strong AoE too.

Additionaly, you could also go sadhu3>Pd2 it has strong AoE as well and heals but i wouldnt be suprised if it got nerfed