Tree of Savior Forum

Sugestion about boss card / win - win solution for both players and IMC

-we all known at this current card drop rate it s take probably 10 years to complete 8 x 10 star card

  • hello where is the rest of boss card ??
  • IMC ur TP shop have nothing interesting to buy ATM did you make enough sale for keeping server run ??

solution :
-sell the card pack in TP shop (reasonable price please 15-20 tp each pack will do)
-each pack, let say will give you 3 random all boss card from database with egual chance

  • make the pack can sell in market like token, soo hwo have no accses to TP can buy it in game money
    -make collection album that if u complete all card will give some prize (TP please )
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please make a survey players want / agre with this or not ?

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it actually only takes like 2 months max if you go casual to make 7-8 10* cards.

people just want to have everything easy.



Reputable TOS pollster do your job

might as well make everything available in TP shop now.
why not?

that way, folks with money can compete with the bots and won’t have to resort to RMT :smiley:

IMC can make more money!


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how u do that?
my char do regular mission and their respected lv dungeon
i only got 1 card every week or even a month without card

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learn how to camp for field boss timings and kill them on multiple characters everyday. you can easily get 12 cards with 4 characters doing 4 field bosses everyday.

that is not casual like u say
i m advoid field boss for obviously reason " FPS " and dont have time for that i got work to do / i m not no live gamer

thanks for your contribution and lets comunity decided they want this or not
meanwhile let me summon the most good reputation on forum @Gwenyth and the most bad @kinyau87 put your word / sugestion on this

gwen dont get involve in heated thread…

thanks, im flattered.

Selling Card in TP is a great idea.

Anything any weaboo come out with is definitely great idea.

If you are sane, you would have quit TOS like the 50k players who did already.

who cares about balancing right now, who cares about ingame ecosystem/economy

just sell whatever your remaining 5k players want


boss camping all day…

wait…must be a HACKER KNIGHT.


FYI, your engulishue is hard to read.

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Maybe he is HOOK64 knight

sory for that
can u explain in more simple word what s nolifer knight
i dont do boss hunt but i know it s imposible to keep know boss spwan time if u not camping all day

bosses respawn every 4 hours. pretty sure any time you play you can easily kill a few bosses if you know the timing. you yourself said you got work and you are not a no life gamer. so why the hell are you complaining about something being ‘hard’ to obtain?

are you gonna next suggest imc to sell lolopanther gear on cash shop because you have no time to obtain? LOL

lets stop about hwo is right and hwo is wrong
let the poll decided soo we are both not force our way for others

If players can buy what they want to enjoy the game, why not?
IMC makes money, players keep paying to play - then IMC will have found its MONEYWHALE KNIGHTS and the game will survive until the saviours find a hack/exploit to get some happy time with the goddesses…

people calling us being unnecessarily noisy and salty about just a game

thats right, TOS is just a game, so why just stop at selling Exp Tome, Skill Reset, Costume/Pet etc

might as well sell everything or even sell a GM-Avatar/Access so you can play god

GVG is God versus God, where player use hook64 equip 10weapon vs another hook64 player.