Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT]Working Together

Epic boss monster! Wow :flushed:

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Really good composition! :smiley:

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Thank you so much! :relieved:

Bad ass art ever. Please give us this loading screen!

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thank you very much :laughing:

I was going to vote for someone in my discord but I gotta give you my like. The whirlwind of energy around the boss is the focus and is dynamic. It drags my eye to it. It looks like the tank might even be having trouble pushing through this shockwave to get to the boss. I also like how this embodies the team work it takes to finish some dungeons in mmorpgs. If one person is out of place it can ruin everything. I don’t know what the proper term for this is if there is one but everything looks “soft” due to the slight blur effect around them. I like the scratch effect on her hammer o.o For some reason I feel like the right character and mount was rushed compared to the other two and the boss. Mount is a little flat. Other than that looks awesome.

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This fan art is so awesome! the artist is totally talented. :heart_eyes:

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Thank you everyone for all the support :sunglasses:

Epic. And looks so Log Horizon LOL

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