Tree of Savior Forum

[SUBMIT] Nuba's Guides, Part One - Support Cleric

Introduction, and a Bonus build

Hey guys I decided to make this guide in english instead of portuguese as a mean to join the community guide event.

Just for the record, I wanted to make a video about this and post it in my channel as it was requested when Re:Build was launched, but ended up being convinced to make a written guide about it instead, juicy rewards indeed!

Alright, this is a “part one” of three guides I am going to make: Multi-Role(PvP and PvE) Support Cleric*, DPS PvE Wizard and DPS PvE Swordsman.(* = this one guide)

So, I have at least one character of every base class, but because of my lack of understanding on how any of the scout classes operate, I decided to -at least for now- keep my Scout as an Assassin-Outlaw-Squire just for the sake of keep those sweet Costumes as well as having a vendor to keep grinding those AFK-Silver.

The other class that I won’t be touching in this guide, Archer, happens to be here mostly because I do not have an extra Character slot to be able to get a Falcon or a Pet to either try one of the many OP Falconer builds as well as the Musketeer+Hunter combo that has been going around. But if you’re on a similar situation as me but still want to invest time in your Archer, I have indeed went quite a little far into making my own Archer build which is composed of: Mergen, Pied Piper and Ranger. These choices were taken simply by the fact that Mergen itself seems to be doing an well-rounded damage but also taking a lot of damage (mostly due to my very-low quality armor), which led me to choosing Pied Piper not only because of its interactions with Mergen, but also because it offers you Crowd Control needed in order for you to stay alive in big pulls. The support provided by Pied Piper might end up being a very powerful meta tool in the coming months, so keep an eye out for that.

I am currently not so sure about the choices, and would appreciate some feedback in here, but this is my current point distribution for it:

Alright, so let’s begin the real guide!

Cookie Cutter: Exorcist/Oracle/Priest

Oh boy, how much I resisted using this, but every time I went into another build I always ended up going back to this.
This is the cookie cutter Cleric Support build, and I suggest you taking a read at this part even if you’re not aiming at picking one of these classes specifically.

Explaining the Build

It simply is too strong when compared to other builds, and for the reasons I’ll discuss here.

First and foremost, the Exorcist part of the build is here solely because you want to be powerful enough to be able to handle soloable content on your own - it is no fun to not be able to solo things that everyone else can, so Exorcist is here solely for this reason - it is the strongest magic DPS class in the Cleric build, and probably the only capable of standing its own without the need of combos and supports for it.

This happens mostly because of how powerful Rubric is, or should I say how weak the other Cleric DPS spells are? I mean no disrespect when saying this to any other Clerics out there who choose to go for a different build, but compared to other DPS classes, the Cleric ones seem to not do enough damage at all, always needing to be “comboed” with other classes in order to be able to pull weight. But this doesn’t happen with Exorcist at all - Rubric, when invested into, allows you to do massive amounts of AOE damage in a short period of time. Obviously, you pick this class solely to spam Rubric, which is a shame, but as I mentioned before I feel like this happens mostly because other Cleric DPS-oriented Classes are lackluster and not because Exorcist is something broken or anything else.

That said, the other Exorcist spells can be either picked to help you up in DPS, or to give you some on-demand damage reduction. In this build I opted to spend all 15 points in Engkrateia, simply because my main focus is to support and staying alive is a lot more important than doing a little more damage. My focus on Engkrateia is based mostly on being caught in some shady situations in PvP where I can cast it and live while my teammates help me stay alive, while also being super useful in PvE during high AOE damage situations (I am looking at you, “high CM situations!”) where I can live just a few more seconds longer to gain time to use those powerful cooldowns brought by Priest and Oracle.

At this point I think Priest is kind of self explanatory, we all know the power of the Priest, but since Heal was so nerfed, having a Priest became something of a must-have in order for us to be able to pull enough healing to save our teammates. Other abilities like Revival and Resurrection are the bread and butter that make every Cleric support build in Re:Build.

Now, Oracle is that one class I had never played before Re:Build, but I also heard it was quite different back then than it is now, so let’s just talk about what it is now and discuss the abilities one by one:

  • Arcane Energy - This changed a lot since Re:Build, and is now some sort of “Temporal Shield” for Stamina and SP. This means its an ability that registers your STA and SP when used, and after its duration it will “reset” your STA and SP to the point it was. This ability wouldn’t probably even be taken if it weren’t for the Attribute “Reduce Damage”, that reduces all damage of whoever is affected by Arcane Energy for its entire duration - Making Arcane Energy an ability that you want to dump your extra points into.
  • Counter Spell - The ability description is enough for you to want to have at least one point in it. I do not believe that having more than one is something that you want to do though, as the effect of removing a Magic Circle is mostly what you want from it, and the rest are just small bonuses.
  • Prophecy - CC immunity for 30 secs is gigantic, which already grants an obligatory point in this. You also get a 30% damage boost, which also affects your party members. This ability is simply too strong, and possibly one of the reasons why having an Oracle is a must in every high-end maxed-out party composition.
  • Divine Might - This was initially the reason why I picked up Oracle, we all know what this does.
  • Death Sentence - I put 10 points here, 55% AOE damage increase is just too juicy, Oracle has got to be the strongest support class in the game right now.
  • Gender Switch - Being a strong support, who is also able to solo content AND also having the possibility to open my own shop for AFK-money for the cost of a single point? Oh boy!
  • Foretell - To complete the list of Overpowered Oracle toolkit, Foretell allows you to conjure an AOE damage-immunity magic circle, yap.
  • Twist of Fate - Seriously who thought that having an % based ability damage would be ok? This works on bosses! This works on players in PvP, you can deal over 50% of a players health without a cast with Divine Might up, and you’re picking the best support class in the game to have access to this ability. No harm happens, you’re OP.

Different than Exorcist, my take on Oracle is that it is beyond overpowered, but since it is “just a support class”, we’ll probably be able to enjoy our overpowerness for quite some time before getting nerfed.


Support and Build Playstyle

Now that the entire build has been discussed, let’s talk some about how to play it properly.

First things first, the new way Heal operates is that you press the ability once, and a window appears in front of you:

What happens here is that Heal now only works on party members, and is a single target ability.

The options that are presented to you are as following:

  • Esc or Jump - Cancel Heal.
  • Press the ability a second time - Cast on yourself.
  • Move up - Cast on party 1.
  • Move left - Cast on party 2.
  • Move down - Cast on party 3.
  • Move right - Cast on party 4.

Easy enough right?

The catch is that the way this ability works is that you can cast this ability on any party member, with infinite range, as long as you’re both on the same map.

This same window is applied to other Cleric abilities, but to us the only abilities in which this matters is Heal and Resurrect.

  • When healing, you always want to keep your Saint buff up, so always remember to use it before you heal.
  • Never use Foretell before you heal your party members, this way you’ll be able to keep them up while you wait for your cooldown to come back up, is the best use possible. In PvP situations you’ll always want to use Engkrateia first before you start healing yourself up, probably the best idea is to Engkrateia into Mass Heal + 2x Heal if you’re the kill target, then if you’re still in trouble, you use Foretell, this way there is enough time for your abilities to be back up again by the time you need them.
  • As a “Priestoracleexo”, your utility toolkit is very large, so always remember to use them when needed: from the simple easy-AOE-dispel of Cure, to Counter spell being a very powerful counter even against opposing Oracles, you have a lot ways to help your teammates win a PvP battle.

In PvE, sometimes you won’t be needing to heal that much, or there’ll be gap in your defensive cooldowns that you’ll need to fill in with DPS rotation, my suggestion follows:

  • Against bosses: Always Prophecy first, then Death sentence, then Rubric, and if you still have room to fill in the gaps then Katadikazo is your go-to ability to cast. Prophecy should always be used on cooldown, and so does Death sentence in case you’re fighting a boss.

  • Against Mobs: In case of large packs of Mobs I usually advice to Rubric on cooldown, while also always having Prophecy up. The difference here is that you rarely want to Katadikazo, since casting that cooldownless-AOE Death Sentence is a lot more helpful than anything else you can do save Rubricing.

Other Possible Picks

There are, however, other classes that can be picked in order to fill in the support role, I went through all of them and want to share my thought on every one of them:

  • Plague Doctor - PD is the one Class that everyone thinks about when thinking “Support with utility” - PDs have immunity to Rank-3-and-below debuffs, as well as give another good healing ability, plus Haste. The Massive debuff immunity and Healing power from Healing Factor can give you an immense edge in PvP, but the fact that the Plague Doctor’s damaging abilities are so inferior to Exorcist’s in PvE and solo enviroments made me not want to pick this class up. It is still a very powerful choice for PvP though, and the strongest option for sure for PvP clerics regardless of builds.
  • Paladin - Another full support role that can be taken instead of Exorcist if there ever is a content that requires you to go all-out support god-mode. I really loved what they did to Paladin, the whole defensive-buff toolkit that Palaldin brings is amazing, and is, surely, the Class I would replace Exorcist with in case I really needed to, maybe one day I will have to, and I wouldn’t be sad about it. Restoration is amost as powerful as Healing Factor (but still quite weaker than healing factor) but the fact it is an AOE spell makes it the strongest healing cooldown in this game for extreme PvE enviroments like Demon Lords and Legend Raid Bosses.
  • Kabbalist - This class felt slightly like a “worse druid”. Despite the nerf, Ein Sof is still a powerful ability, but overall, despite being a wanted Class, I wouldn’t pick Kabbalist over other options, unless I wanted to create some sort of “me-only” AOE build. It might be fun to play this in conjunction with things like PD and Druid, but I wouldn’t drop Priest or Oracle for them, and without each other they feel lackluster.
  • Druid - This build is still very powerful, but now that we can not mix it with other Support builds, it kind of got integrated in the “Cleric DPS” Niche and we can no longer pick it without dropping our “Full support” role.
  • Dievdirbys - Still the exact same it was before, but I haven’t tested this one much. Diev is one of those classes you rarely ever went Rank-3, so it is now left in the forgotten realm with all the other “one or two ranks only” classes from before the Re:Build.
  • Miko - I think IMC will still fix this class, as right now it feels like its basically a “one rank class” that has some lvl 15 abilities. Nobody really picks Miko right now, which is a shame.

My thoughts on this is that right now, Oracle being overpowered and Priest being a must-have really limits the scope that a full support build can look like. Now, my suggestion isn’t to nerf Oracle into the ground, but actually to raise the level of support the other classes can give.
IMO, the best changes you can do to my current support build are as follows:

  • If you want to go mega-PvP mode, you pick Plague Doctor instead of Exorcist.
  • if you want to go mega-PvE mode, you pick Paladin instead of Exorcist.

Can you choose other options? Yes - But you’ll gimp yourself over.
here are a few options that can be picked, note that every one of them contains Cleric+Priest:

  • Miko+Diev.
  • Plague Doctor+Druid/Kabalist/Zealot(pick one of the three).
  • Zealot+Paladin (For Extra two-Handed damage buff).
  • Exorcist+ Miko/PDoctor/Druid/Zealot(pick one of the four).
  • Oracle + Kabba/Druid/Diev.


And this is it for my first ever TOS guide posted on this website, I understand that the Staff requested that the guides submitted for the event were not build-specific, but since I also went into the Depth of playing it that can also be applied to other Support cleric builds - That also look quite all very similar, I think they can just drop the ball and let me finish this series without having to worry about not receiving the rewards, right?
I hope everyone enjoyed this! What did you think of it? Please let me know in the comments!

Edit: This is the overall Cleric Remnants of Bernice Ranking of my server Post-ReBuild, I know its not really a good way of knowing which builds do best, but this is just a way of pointing out that even as a Full Support you can still hold your own and do solo contents as a Full Support:

Oh, also:
Server: Silute
Team name: Nubarito

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Hello, now that this first guide is posted I wanted to ask IMC Staff if this is OK for the event, or if I’ll have to write a guide about something else.
I currently have two other guides on the works, one for Swordsman and another for Wizard, I tested a lot of builds so I really wanted to put them out, but in case this guide gets rejected from the event I’ll just drop both guides I am working on and will start working on something else!

Bump, so many guides being posted, what do you guys think of this? feedback pls

You do realize that Counter Spell magic damage reduction scales with skill level I guess.
That said, you can reduce the magic damage you take within the area by up to 59%,
helping a lot against Demon Lords like Mirtis,Helgasercle and Nuaele.
I always use it to survive attacks while I attack relentlessly.

By the way, using Foretell to survive till Heal is up again is a waste of the skill.
You obviously wait till the enemies strongest skill is incoming and then protect yourself and maybe some team members with it.
In CM I’d use it whenever a large mob of fresh monsters is summoned to protect you from getting swarmed and instant-killed in the latter stages.

Actually Rubric is not as strong as it seems. In fact, it’s pretty weak against enemies with magic resistance and/or high magic defense if they aren’t demon.

My main is Exorcist with ~14k matk and level 100 enhancement attribute on Rubric.
Let me tell you, it hits like a wet noodle on field bosses with magic resistance, e.g. Mirtis/Nuaele/Helgasercle, and this although it has elemental advantage [I also use 3x Moa card ] Rubric damage is still reduced to 8-15k per hit (15k is with Prophecy + Death Sentence).

And in Saalus/ later stage Challenge Mode[4-7], bosses simply laugh at the little damage you deal, especially if they’re not demon type.

I attest it’s strong for farming(e.g. Baubas Cave) and doing solo challenge mode (against demons preferably), but for endgame content it’s not that good.
The other damage skills (Koinonia,Katadikazo) look good on paper, but are ± useless unless your party members and you are well positioned and you actually have time to cast the skills.
I actually found myself spamming Smite instead of Katadikazo/Aqua Benedicta in these situations, it’s simply better and stronger.

If I see your sentence

I want to correct it.
The only Class that’s able to pull its own weight without heavy support on Cleric is Inquisitor.
God Smash,Breaking Wheel and Breast Ripper are simply better than everything Exorcist has to offer (except Engkrateia) since Exorcist needs to rely on mdef reduction on the enemy or demon type conversion (e.g. via Judgement) to deal significant endgame damage while Inquisitor deals high damage against physical and magic enemies and can boost the damage of his two strongest skills with Judgement.

Judgement also reduces the enemies defense and critical resistance significantly if they’re not demon type already,which is another plus.

level 11 only has 55%. You need to upgrade the enhancement attribute to get higher than 55%.
You also forgot to mention two things:

  1. against bosses, the value and duration is halved, and most of the times a raid/field boss will simply resist the debuff.

  2. to have the best uptime/downtime ratio against bosses, you should deactivate the CD reset attribute, since it increases the duration from 7,5 seconds to 12,5 seconds.

Please mention the fact that the HP value is halved against bosses, so you can only kill a boss when his HP are down to 24-20,5% (lvl 6 Twist of Fate).
Also, the notion of the damage cap being 1.999.999 could help as not everyone knows this and might attempt to kill a boss with more left-over HP, resulting in providing him with a 30 second recovery boost that recovers afaik 200% of the HP lost within this time period.

This can be reduced with the enhancement attribute, but it should be avoided to heal the enemy in the first place…

I guess that’s enough nagging from my side.

Thanks for the guide, some infos I didn’t know, gonna test that (actually PD/Exorcist/Oracle) :slight_smile:

Hey man, thanks for the reply, I appreciate your response!
My experiences are quite biased - as in, I never do field bosses because of how long they take, heal every high-level CM that I join (haven’t soloed since rebuild) and raids as well, and also only use Counter Spell to remove oposing magic circles in PvP, and the “solo content” I do mostly revolves around farming HGs.
still, your reply is very helpful to expand my view on the situation and I thank you for it!

it would be really good to have a response from IMC if they’re accepting this guide on their submission rules or not

Guide updated with some more insight on Paladin and Plague Doctor being the best PvE and PvP alternative picks to Exorcist in the game respectively.