Tree of Savior Forum

[Submit] I Hope You Like Hammers And Daggers

the first and second one I really like.

GJ on this piece of art! For one, these loading screens are awesome :joy:

The art explains the overall situation of ToS…its so good, I want to cry.

@charredh You also forgot the to put the +20 glowing weapons w/o potential loss and crashing channels :joy:

EDIT: Please add the moving too fast error as well if you may

I really love your art man, hope you win xD

Oh. My. Gash. These loading screens are accurate AF!! hahaah I want these in game now!! haha :joy: aside from that, I really love your works! I’m looking foward to see more~ :blush:


+1 vote for this hahhaha


i never said i was done.

Ah! I always though the first one had something weird and I just notice why…

non of them is Chaplain :smirk:

that image isn’t 100% accurate :yum:

1 Like

May I… uhm… Have an autograph?

Your artwork is so pretty and has that uplifting composition~

( I really liked the little step-by-step you made on twitter btw ・ω・)


Could i share this on another forum?

No, sorry!!


are you trying to bash IMC with 2 first login screen ? :joy_cat:
BOTS and sorc afk at dina ?

god, i like it :joy_cat:

The fourth one is amazing!! :sunglasses: :thumbsup:

Nice art work haha :thumbsup::thumbsup:

a bit of shameless promoting here; just opened my redbubble shop so if you like cute stuff and my art please consider buying something!!! maybe as a gift for your buds or for yourself!!! thanks!!!