Tree of Savior Forum

Stupid question about Necromancer and Necronomicon

First what purpose of all 4 slot in it do i need to fill all with 10* card or just one 10* and three 1* is fine?
Second What is recommended card to put in these slot.

Appreciate all answer and thank a lot for coming in :slight_smile:

can’t answer your first question, but i just found a nice little surprise to your second.

was testing out monster cards when i discovered that a cheap varle king card (bought for 69k silver) bolstered shoggoth stats to a rather impressive degree.

Nice discover!! I try to do with several card too and what i found is the beast type card seem more powerful than other

just found out about it today too.

was testing out monster cards when i discovered that a cheap varle king card (bought for 69k silver) bolstered shoggoth stats to a rather impressive degree.

Rafene card also have same stat with Varle