Tree of Savior Forum

Stuck after using skill (the skill does not happen)

Happened to my Dragoon frequently. For example if i use Dragontooth, the visual of the skill will appear but it deal no damage, and the skill cd does not active yet, must use the skill again

The bug happen like the post above describe

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PLEASEEEE fix this, is the worst bug in the time I play the game X_x

  • TBL crusial moment and get stuck only to see how mi char die because of this, happen a lot of times -_-

The bug occurs for several skills randomly. You get stuck in the skill animation, rendering you immovable for some seconds without the skill activating.

Stuck in Effigy animation caused me dying several times in TBL already -.-"

The pain of watching you die on poison/bleed while being stuck.

IMC, could you please get rid of some bugs instead of adding new ones and ruining the performance of the client?

@STAFF_Max @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

I can confirm this bug is there and itā€™s really bad. It happened before, but very very rarely, yet now it sometimes happens twice in a row.

Character gets stuck after performing animation of a skill. Skill is not performed, even though animation was.

yeah happens to my Cleric too very frequently. Hope they fix this

yes this happens to me frequently, i just accepted the fact that this bug is ā€œnormalā€ and i just immediately jump to cancel any animations or in response to being ā€œstuckā€ and recast the skill againā€¦ hahaha!

Hello Saviors! Kindly send us a ticket through Support and if possible, kindly attach a series of a screenshot or a video link (video uploaded from a video hosting site) that shows the problem. These will greatly help in further investigating the problem.

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I had some examples somewhere on my channel, but Iā€™ll have to sift through a lot of videos to find you the example (or Iā€™ll just film a new video, the bug happens quite a lot lately anywayā€¦ you just need toā€¦ you knowā€¦ PLAY YOUR GAME).

Iā€™ll get to it when Iā€™m back from 12 hour shift. Anything I can do for you to track the ticket and make sure it is not ā€œlostā€?

Because this bug in PvP is driving me crazy.

Yo Francis, the problem is your devs tweaked around too much and caused the client and server of fedimian to go instable/desynch occasionally when using a skill.

Thats all, actually.

Dear @GM_Francis

Here you go. Please confirm you will emphasize this bug is critical and itā€™s resolution should be set to high priority. Iā€™ve made my description rather detailed with attached link to video on YouTube and timestamps for that video.

Time on the image is Moscow time.

And iā€™m getting stuck when i use ice stick or any other skill, in TBL itā€™s deadly

@GM_Francis Submitted.

I have two videos with time-stamped break downs for you.

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Hi @Sesshyru,
Please be informed that we already forwarded your reported issue to our dev team for investigation.

We only request your patience and understanding as our investigation is on-going.


No problem. I hope my footage aids the investigation process.

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @STAFF_Max @hkkim

Dear IMC.

Hereā€™s the response I received from you. Are you even serious?


Thank you for contacting us.
We apologized for the inconvenience this might have caused you. Please
kindly try this work around.

  1. Exit Tree of Savior
  2. Logout Steam Account
  3. Exit Steam
  4. Restart your System Unit/Laptop
  5. Re-login and try again

If the issue still persist, kindly contact us again.

Best Regards,
Tree of Savior Support Team

That is a pretty hilarious response.

I guess neither of these guys actually play the game they are supposed to be supporting, otherwise theyā€™d of known about this bug several months ago.

It is annoying that it is happening much more frequently now then ever before, but no oneā€™s up in arms about it or giving it much attention, because people have learned to tolerate it.

People should really stop being so tolerant to things like that. Itā€™s basic game functionale we are talking about.

I agree with you, but thatā€™s the sole reason as to why is hasnā€™t been raised in the forums.

Itā€™s really astonishing though that the people who are there to support the game are not at least given the chance to play the game they are supposed to be helping at least an hour or two in their working day.

I literally make this assumption because they seem to have never came across this common bug themselves by giving you that ā€˜have you tried turning it off and on again?ā€™ response.

Same problem here with my Archer. Hope for a fix soon.

TL;DR, you are experiencing this issue because of poor network conditions either on your side, or on IMCā€™s side.

One good practice would be to ask others who are experiencing similar issues, which server they are in, which ISP they are subscribed to, which location/city they live in(please be careful when sharing your location, DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR EXACT ADDRESS ON THE INTERNET).

If this is happening with a lot of people, with different ISPs, cities and/or servers, then it maybe a problem from IMCā€™s side. Personally, I think IMC may have been cutting costs on the serversā€™ capacity and bandwidth.

If this is happening with people from the same city and ISP then you probably have to switch to another ISP(if you canā€™t switch, then you will have to accept that you will not be able to enjoy Tree of Savior, sorry).

Now, explaining how this sort of thing happens:

CMIIW, this ā€˜bugā€™ is an effect of how Tree of Savior is made to work. This is not a bug in intent, because most Korean action games are initially planned to be published only on Korea, they are assuming there will be almost no issues with internet connectivity.

This development method becomes highly problematic when these games come to the international market as the game servers are located so far away from the international community.

The game works like this:

  1. Player wants to do an action(in this case, presses a skill button).

  2. The game client shows the player the skill animation, locks the character to the last frame of the animation(the pose you see during the ā€˜bugā€™) and tells the server that the skill is used and waits for the server to calculate whatever needs to be done on the game. While waiting for the server, the game client will not accept any other gameplay input from the player.

  3. The server is done with the calculation and gives the result back to the game client.

  4. The game client shows to the player the damage, or buff, or whatever the skill is supposed to do.

The problem is on step 2.

  1. The game client is programmed to freeze your character until the server gives the results back and;
  2. If the server doesnā€™t give the results back after a specific amount time, the game client basically just says: ā€œIā€™m tired of waiting for you slowpoke, forget it, letā€™s just pretend this thing never happenedā€.
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