Tree of Savior Forum

Strongest dps wizard and most uniqe

Hi i am currently lvling a pyromancer but i heard the he gets really weak damage later on so i wanted to know if i can make with my pyromancer and have amazing dps or if pyromancer isnt good dps circle then what build will offer me the best dps wizard can offer me

pyro isnt really that weak , it just not as good as other dps wiz above 200 + , after all , pyro is just a rank 2 class , beside , in korean , pyro has recevied a lot of buff ( example : hell fire has a debuff that increase 50% fire magic damage ) , those changes might come to itos later . top dps wiz build that i know right now :

  • wizard 3 - elementalist 3 - warlock ;
  • wizard 1 - cyromancer 3 - psychokino 2 - runecaster ;
  • wizard 1 - pyromancer 2 - linker 1 - sorcerer 2 - sorcerer 3 /warlock ;…
    ps : one thing i must remind you that , strongest dps = a lot of people will play it , so you can only chose one ~ strongest dps or most unique

There is a really funny build where you do pyro cryo psycho and just splits your damage around like a retard :^)

not really useful though, but it’s funny to watch.

I already tried to start with cyromancer but i could barely lvl with him if i were to go with cyro can you give me a tip on how to make it easier for me to lvl and also do i need to go 3 circle directly or would i be able to chosse first kino and then continu woth the other circle

You don’t have to advance directly. You can pick a different circle, and continue a previous one later.

I really have no advice on how to level cry easier for you. I had a cleric friend level with me all the way to 120+. But if you choose a different circle before circle 3 cry, maybe that will be easier for you.

You can go pyro 3 and wizard 3. wizard 3 for quick cast dmg fthen warlock at c7

Eh, my build is pretty unique (at least no one else is playing it.

The idea behind it is Runecaster receives the benefits from Wiz3 and Linker, and Warlock receives the benefits from Linker and Sorc (Servant is deffinately worth one circle I don’t care want others think). This build also is designed to be built into Shadowmancer later when release due to Warlock’s Dark Attack Attribute (which also boosts all of Sorc’s spells and subsequently Shadowmancer). Eh, its not meta or anything but I went for uniqueness or current meta.