Tree of Savior Forum

Strengthen Charm not working with Elemental Burst

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Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 02/02/2021 - 19:45 BRT

Server Name: Silute

Team Name: Kiicchan

Character Name: Mai

Bug Description : The Stregthen Charm (Taoist buff) which generates an additional hit by chance when using Fire, Ice or Lightning skills does never works with the Elemental Burst (Elementalist skill), which has the same property as above. I don’t believe this is intended.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Use Strengthen Charm.
  2. Use Elemental Burst on a target
  3. It is easier to see it on weekly boss due to the Skill Damage table
  4. Repeat until you’re sure it isn’t working.

Screenshots / Video: note that there is no “Streghten Charm: additional damage” in the skill table
Fist cast :

Second cast:

1 Like

Agreed. Tested 10 times, no other damage source registered on the skill damage list.