Tree of Savior Forum

STR/DEX Druid Shapeshifting Info Request

Hello guys, I’d really like to build a shapeshift / transform DPS druid build oriented towards STR/DEX but I can’t find any nice videos of those skills (for those builds).

I’ve seen some people saying you can transform into some miniboss/elite mobs and use their AoE skills which are really nice together with a STR/DEX build, but I couldn’t find any videos or solid information regarding those. All I’ve seen is mostly people using transform to change into pantos for haste/quicken.

Can someone provide some vids of people using this sort of build or share the information if this build is really viable or not? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Most of the stuff I’ve found about transform/shapeshift is really outdated.

Looks terrible. Lol.

I’ve seen that video, it’s interesting, but doesn’t look very practical.

The Hogma Magician (at 3:11 video time) looks interesting, though. It has zero cooldown heals (although they look rather weak) and firewall.

I have my doubts regarding this video, though. He is clearly a druid C1 but you can see transform skill in his shortcut where it should be a druid C2 skill (i suppose). I’m guessing it’s rather outdated and I’m honestly not sure how much the shape shifting skill has changed since then. Some people say you can transform into elite mobs, some say you can’t. Would be nice to hear a druid’s feedback here.

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The hypothetical STR/DEX druid build is Cleric 2 > Diev 3 > Druid 2. I dunno if it’s viable at all though.

This is some oudated information I’ve taken from some other place, can anyone confirm this or provide info if shape-shifting into elite mobs is possible now or not?

Also there’s this video of someone transforming into a monster that’s probably not insect / animal / plant type. Maybe using Chortasmata + Shapeshift combo for this? The AoE is really nice as well. Sometimes hitting 200 dmg per mob, sometimes 5k (I wonder why the crazy damage fluctuation). Also, anyone knows what’s the reason he brings out the pet before shape-shifting?

EDIT: At one of his comments in youtube he answers “awesome, what monster do u tranform?” with “spectra that you can get only by oracle’s changing monster.”

So I guess it’s not Chortasmata + Shape Shift combo at all.


Still impossible to turn into elites.
Also couldn’t turn into the golden bird things in the silulai mission.

List should still be accurate, but didn’t test them all.

Ow and they removed the skill names and type identifiers we had in icbt2. So now it’s a guessing game as to what element and dmg type you deal.

As for the video, you need a oracle to spawn said mob to begin with. Then use shape shift on it. (likely with coursing + chortasmata).
That form also nullifies all damage, so i wouldn’t use it or base anything off tbh.

Best dmg transformations i found so far:


  • Flamme, Topes fortress 1f: G attack is a linear 3 hit aoe.


  • Flamil, Topes fortress 2f: G attack is a point blank 4 hit aoe.

Did you use an oracle to change into those or can you just shape shift into them directly? (It’s not possible to change into demon-type mobs, or is it?)

Chortasmata + shape shift is all you need for those 2.

The oracle change is only needed to get the specter, as it cannot be found in any map itself.

Ah I understand now.

And what about the damage for those two guys? Is it reliable?

Is it actually worth it going through the full duration of the transformation to deal damage or do you lose too much DPS by not using your own skills?

Depends on your build and transformation.

Transform dmg is on the low side due to the lack of a enhance and rather slow animations. But you do get interesting druid attributes if you find the right type. (Both flamil/flamme should be medium and thus get a +110 dmg per hit for example.)

Flamme isn’t that amazing for a int build as it’s easily interrupted and requires aiming. But viable for the downtime in between carve owls.

Flamil isn’t half bad at all, as long as you don’t have dual punch i think it should be worth using. Unless allies need healing ofc.

A animal type with decent scaling would be best for a str/dex build. +50% crit rate is quite noticeable.

Ah… I get it now.

He pulls out the pet so there’s something for enemies to attack while he kills the mobs. Otherwise they would probably regen back to full HP (similar to when you use cleric fade skill for too long in middle of battle).

Sounds very buggy indeed and will probably get changed in the future.

Blessing does work, but sacrament does not add a second hit. None of the transformation skills are considered to be auto attacks.

Here’s flamil on my int build btw:

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Yeah I saw the answer on another topic so I removed my question but you saw it before that :smile:

And about the video, if the delay between those animations were only faster it would actually be quite strong :pensive:

From the looks of it the damage it does compare to double punch if it were in a STR/DEX build.

I really wanted to try out a physical damage focused transform druid but I’m starting to lose my hopes :cry:

Yeah, transforms in general aren’t in a good spot atm.

ps, merog shamans in Pelke Shrine Ruins have a 3 tiles cure skill that deals 1 dmg a tick. Should work as r1 condi removal.