Tree of Savior Forum

Stop monsters running away when low

It’s not like trash mobs are even hard, but it just makes the grind more annoying every time a monster has 1 more hit to die and it just runs away. Mobs fleeing serves NO purpose other than to just piss you off.

This game is about grind, so the grind should be fun. Having monsters skitter away from you when you’re about to deal the killing blow isn’t fun, it’s annoying and tedious, having to chase it across the room just to kill it.


That is exactly why they implemented the feature.


It’s really dumb, especially as a melee classe and -> especially as a STR cleric, you hit the mob almost down, it flees and there comes some retarded wizard and takes it away from you. lol.

I don’t know, if I were about to die, I’d run as well. It’s a charming feature, but I could see how it could get annoying.


I really hate this, especially as I use kneeling shot often. Having to wait 5-10 seconds for the monster to run back into firing range while I’m target locked on it and being attacked by other monsters. I can’t target swap either with the awful hotkey bind on the right analog stick. It’s unfair to sappers because the enemies need to be chasing you. If you’re trying to prevent people from AFK farming, this isn’t the way to go about it.

bro have you ever thought about the monster’s life? maybe it has a family. a daughter that gonna turn 8 soon and he want to spend the day together with his daughter but suddenly some random ■■■■■■■ just comes in and kills him. what do you think his daughter would feel. his brother probably saw you killing him so he charged at you


I’m okay with monsters running away, it’s kind of funny. However, the speed buff they get is insane, and that’s what makes it annoying. It’s not possible to catch them.


Yea, I would be actually be ok with them still running if they didn’t get the speed buff be able to run across the whole frikking room in half a second.


you sir just won the internet award for today! :smiley:

i agree with you , is cool they run , make seems like they have some sort of self preservation, but they run too fast


I would tolerate them running away if at least not some other dumbass could just ks them then e.e

At least they run better than the government.

I have a very soft spot on clever programming so seeing them flee do look kinda cute and makes me think twice to kill them but I did it anyway. It’s a cool feature really. Makes it more ‘authentic’, not just some mindless grunt.

I know how you feel.

but when your hp are low and run out of potion . didn’t you run away?

If they ran away and stayed in a corner that’d make sense but they don’t. They run away and will eventually come back to you to fight. So no it’s just basically annoying and even more so due to KSing.

Sometimes they don’t come back though, they run so far they are off screen, then someone kills it and you don’t get the exp =.=

Really annoying.

And I didn’t know there were so many “MRA” (monster rights association) in here. They can run but jesus christ not so fast! I can’t even catch up in Out of Body…

You never get the exp even if someone else kills it though. You get NONE. Maybe you get a few coins out it though.


annoying feature

It’s their natural instinct! Just… running is fine but sprinting isn’t.

@STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie is this a bug? I heard it was fixed for Korean version. It’s incredibly annoying!!! >.<