Tree of Savior Forum

Stats - Necro 3

What is the distribution of status points for wiz 3, linker 2, necro 3?

im no pro but i think 100 con is ideal to be not getting 1-2 shot by boss
and rest to int

when i distribute my stat i always go for ( bonus stat included with rank up)
~ 20 int first then 10 con
after that i pump
int to 50 then 20 con
i make int to 100 then 40 con
then it will be 150 int and slowly getting my con to 80
then make my int reach to 200+ then after than gonna make con to 100

after i hit the 100 con target i dump all my stat now to int whenever i lv up

full int 0 con. there is absolutely no need for con for any end game content right now.

Con is necessary based on the skill of the player. There are attacks that you cannot avoid and con is necessary for just surviving that attack. This is based from a solo standpoint.

You’re going to either have 90% of your health gone or 1-shot by a blue spion archer for example if you’re not watchful. Unless you’re being carried by a party through leveling, con has its place.

Thank you guys , helped a lot