Tree of Savior Forum

Stats build for current meta?

I just started this game and have been researching for a good build. Just wondering if I’m planning to go wiz>pyro3>linker3>sage build, what is a good stats build to go with it? Is full INT viable or do I go for 4int:1Con for some survivability?

Stat ratios are never overly helpful. Utilise CON when you need it to a max of 75-100, put the rest into INT.

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normal ppl, newbie, everything other - con till not dead, rest int

press maximize potential
full +15 trans 10 weapon, normal armor - full con
full +15 trans 10 every slot - full int

stat is little, item is big, but little better than have nothing

if u look at stat
1int=1matk, 1con=85max hp
item give matk 500-5000++,

until now my states is 40con and full int 661
i would make the con higher later my level is 279 and until now i didn’t need the con atall for what i do (leveling only)
i know that later con would be a need :stuck_out_tongue:
but as i get the def and hp i need from the armors i am cool with it :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, I’m not exactly sure what do you meant by that post though. Are you trying to say that CON is more worth it as HP is harder to come by using equipment unlike mattk is easy to obtain/boost as long as you can afford to buy good equipments? So is prioritizing CON more worth it in the long run?

yes hp is harder to gain by equipment
but hp is useless when u reach pdef/mdef break points
u will take 1 damage so 20k hp or 60k hp doesn’t matter

at 2.5k pdef, most mob except boss hit u 1
a bit of con that ppl suggest help u survive hit that more than 1

When the stats rework will hit itos, we won’t be seeing 1 damage anymore because of a cap reduction damage and the 0 con will be fatal.
About transcend on items with hp, the hp from con stats are not influenced in any ways by transcend?

Hi! I’m curious about this because I haven’t been around the forums for a while.

Would you kindly link the source for these upcoming changes? Thanks!

“”"""First, these are the main goals our dev team is working to implement in the near future:

  1. Improve the damage calculation system.
  2. Increase the efficiency and revise the effects of each stat.
  3. Create formulas to replace the currently fixed-number skill attack values and effects.
  4. Revise the basic stats of all equipment items.
  5. Readjust the efficiency and cost of enhancement/transcendence.
  6. Readjust the difficulty of all fields and dungeons.
  7. Overall improve the chat UI and develop new group chat functions.
  8. Standardize and simplify item trade policies.

As for the contents of our session, below are some of the topics we discussed with the players, summarized in a Q&A format.""""

Most of mmorpg cap resistances and armor around 70% so I guess in the future to have 0 con stats and not enough on gear may prove fatal.


Thanks! No concrete numbers yet then, just plans.

Nothing definitive [yet] on how exactly they plan to change it, just that they do? :stuck_out_tongue:

With meltis ausrine “cheat” and large portions of players taking 1 damage it was about time they wake up lol.
Only Atari, greyeim, gwenyth, I forgot the exact spelling will know in due time when the work in progress will give clear numbers.