Tree of Savior Forum

State of Warlocks C2

Hey guys how are your warlocks doing? I have a bit of silver to pump out for frost cloud attributes (still on level 50) and mastema and also for the new skills on c2 but I’m not sure if it will be worth it since I’ve been reading the forums that we do ■■■■ damage now. Do we ned +15 rods and level 3 transcendence to do damage for the new content? And is Mastema the only skill that is worthy now?

Because if this is the case then I guess it’s better to roll out a new character for Rank 8 content.


If you’re not a full con build + animus, you are welcome.
If not, better reroll.

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you need minimum 2k matk to do damage to enemies at high levels
that’s pretty easy to obtain with a good enhanced high level weapon
also, if you’re one of those stupid wizards who went full con, you need to restat to full int with a tiny bit of con

I’m still working on my build to warlock. I’m going Int 4:1, is that too much con?

thats fine enough ya

would definitely recommend full int if you can. every point of damage matter for wizards right now if you want to deal damage.

that’s the thing about IMC trying to balance… We go full DPS glass canon to actually be able to do damage but in return we get 1-shot left and right :unamused:

Even then our bossing damage cant match the average dragoon2/fencer3/etc…
and our aoe damage cant match the average SW3 lol

I see, thanks guys, i’m just using a +9 src so I guess I won’t be getting 2k magic damage anytime soon.

Time to roll a dragoon 2 lol

Time to wizards consider using a staff instead of rod.

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