Tree of Savior Forum

Stat reset potion character transfer

Is there any way to transfer the stat reset potion through character, if the answer is no are there any plans on allowing this in the future?


I’m waiting for this too…


me too. doesnt make sense that we aren’t able to use our own stat potions properly / move it to team storage?

Especially when we paid for the founders 1 pack to support tos

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I wish I read this earlier… I wanted skill reset for my cleric and stat reset for my warrior so I was happy to see that in the pack but when I claimed it for my cleric I found out stat reset can’t be team storage shared. T_T What is even the point of team storage now…

I thought I could transfer the stat reset my other char, I bought the dlc 1 right now, I should have not bought if not transferable wtf

please make it team storageable IMC please

I’m also waiting.

It should be transferable after this patch since they said untradable items are tradable through team storage now.


I hope so.

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It seems they didn’t do it after all… I can’t move untradable items even though they said it here

EDIT: NVM IT SAYS UNTRADABLE MATERIALS. Guess that means material you bought from the market. That flase hope they gave me.

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@STAFF_John @STAFF_J @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan
IMC, we’re begging ya :l

Please, i need this very hard!!!

me too! IMC hear our pleas

So, the transfer Stat Reset Potion between your own characters in the same Team?

That would be amazing, and I would greatly appreciate this, and many others would as well. Both my stat resets are on characters I won’t be playing as I was still learning the game and would love to move the stat reset potions through team storage. Other premium items such as skill reset, dungeon reset and exp tome would also be really nice to move through the team storage, but I would be happy with just the stat reset as that is a very “special” potion. Thank you.

Yes, I see no reason why we can’t transfer premium itens beteween our Team… Most of the time you give rewards that have period of time to be redeemed, than we are forced to take it or we lose it, and if we create a new char after this those itens are stuck on the previous char… I really don’t see a problem to allow players to move Exp Tomes, Stat pots and etc beteween their TEAM, and only TEAM ofc.

You already did a great job removing the restrictions and etc from Team Storage, allowing to trade(only beteween the TEAM) Premium itens would make it just perfect, please consider this.

Keep the good work, and thank you for the amazing game.

I really wanted a Reset pot on my Wizz but I claimed it on my pally… Seeing later to much regret I cannot put it in my storage I also cant buy another pack its a 1 time deal only so yea im pretty damn sad :frowning: really hope they can make it so u can put it in team storage only

I want to transfer mine too

Please do this…

Yes! We want! T-T

I have Stat Reset Potion in my wrong character and I want to pass to my Bokor… BUT I CANT! T-T

I think we have two different kinds of problems with the Stat Reset Potion (or any other untradable unique item that came with some financial investment):

  • Transfer from one character to another, through the team storage
  • Transfer from one server to another

I hope that both these issues will be addressed.