Tree of Savior Forum

Stat build for Sorcerer - CON vs INT vs SPR

Can anyone give full details on the age-old CON x INT x SPR debate for Sorcerer builds? I would be going Wiz > Cryo > Linker2 > Sorc2, PVE focused. Stats are a big thing to screw up because I do not have the founders pack 3, and they are not available in the TP shop.

  1. Read that INT does not heavily affect damage as a Sorc as the spell’s magic bonus does most of the damage. If so, why are people still going full INT/high INT? Isn’t max CON the way to go? Also, how does Rank affect INT? From what I read there is a % bonus to INT as ranks increase?

  2. Read that SPR is not good for Sorc because of the summon’s % drain, and thus max MP should be low, to make it cost less and make pots more effective. Does that mean 0 SPR is the way to go? However, if SPR is too low, would it be difficult to manage both the summon + nukes at the same time? Is there a SPR sweet spot (eg. 50 SPR) for mp management? Does it really help a lot?

  3. CON is starting to matter because bosses can almost 1 shot me (Lvl 35 at the moment), but exactly how much does it matter when compared to the benefit of higher INT or SPR?

I’ve currently added full INT, facing MP problems at the moment (needing to spam pots every wave). Not sure if I should trudge on with full INT, or to begin throwing some points into CON/SPR. Please enlighten me, and others who are wondering the same thing o knowledgeable ones.

Int increases summon’s damage
Spirit increases summon’s defenses
The rank of the card increases damage, so higher rank means more bonus from Int
SPR is bad because while it does give you mana regen, you only regen mana when your summon is away. Instead you want to minimize the cost (1% max every 2 seconds) so keep your max SP as low as possible and spam mana potions. You can get SP recovery with attribute, servant, etc.

I’m about level 100 so not yet a sorc, but I’ve been going 1:2 for Con:Int. I might stop putting points into Con eventually and put the rest into Int, but I’d still like my HP to be higher (currently 6k). I’m also planing to switch to Plate Mail eventually, so then my HP should be even higher. Right now I’m at almost 50 CON base, so that might be a good spot to stop for a while.

Frankly speak,

While people said SPR is useless. But I advice that you should have 1800-2000 SP at end game.

All skill at maxLV consume a lot of SP, also you will need to buy SP pot LV5 to use anyway…

About CON, standard should go to 60. Boss AOE will get stronger from LV100++ and you’ll need to become melee range mage since AI stupidity.

I suggest holding shield (beetle back), If you don’t have epic dagger.