Tree of Savior Forum

Starving Demons Way gimmick

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) :
18.04.19, 2:20, UTC+1

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Bug Description :
In Starving Demons way there is a gimmick related to purifying pilgrim statues.
When I tried to interact with it I only got message saying that I have not enough holy water, even though I had over 2000 of it.

Steps to reproduce the issue :
1) Enter Starving Demon’s Way (from Fedimian if that matters), having up to 2000 Holy Water in inventory.
2) Try to interact with gimmick pilgrim statues.
3) Notice the message saying that you need more holy water from a priest.
In case that’s relevant: I had no quest done in that map yet.

Screenshots / Video :

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :

I don’t think the statue uses item holy water, but an npc holy water only…

NPC appears at certain times and you have to speak to it in order to do the thing…

it is one of the gimmick that gives ripped book pages

Oh. You mean there is some special NPC related to this gimmick on this map? I’m supposed to get Holy Water from him?

There are some “Holy Water” Quest items, maybe you need them.

there’s a priest NPC on the map you get the holy water from similar to the other co-op gimmicks, you get it from her then spray on the statues near the middle, if she wasn’t on the map check other channels

Same with the demon on another map. He asks you to go to the Priest Master to get Holy Water to kill him. But the Priest Master refuses to give you the holy water… although you can BUY it from him. Of course, going back to the demon with holy water bought from the Priest Master doesn’t work…

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one of my fav quest, am sad we cant recruit him to our side instead of assisting him to…

you know what :sad: