Tree of Savior Forum

Starting area Graphic has been improvement!

The color looks so much different…

This is the old one… It looks dry compared those other videos. skipt at 11:35 so u can see the same areas as the new one…

Ehh… If I remember correctly, in the first video, there is a Level 2 chest at the top behind a tree and it’s one of the only places with the Infrorocktor mob. The second video is directly on the way to Klaipedia IIRC.

edit: Eh, maybe they updated the color or something? :smiley:

Woah, I did not notice this. GJ for noticing, Harimaku. I hope they improve a lot of areas as well!

P.S.: this might be OOT but I have a suggestion for IMC to make, if possible, all areas worth staying for. I mean, give something special/unique for each area so even though the player reaches max level, they have a reason to stay in this beautiful field.

They might have over embellished…
Just a bit… haha… idk.

There were already later areas covered in detail like this, I thought the old versions were the way they were to have some variety. – It looks beautiful either way but in that first clip seeing all those plants on the map swaying together looked kinda… strange, as if it were creating an optical illusion… @___@;

(I preferred the more subdued dreamy fairy tale palette. :confused: )

if only they’ll improve monster looks

damn chibi :expressionless: … i like the RO one better

I wonder if they also plan on giving monster’s death a change or a different animation not just by exploding?!

It looks fantastic. I hope more of the early zones can get art improvements like this. Crystal caves could be so cool with extra light effects maybe have crystals refracting light around the caves. I can’t recall that well but the cathedral with stain glass windows that used some light ray effects… Could do something similar.

For me personally I really dont like the old starting area… It looked very dark, empty and the purple color palette was out of place and it didint fit with gele platetua theme. It looked depressive and it didint not me give nice first impression from the world… So this is pretty good change over all…

Here is another comparison. The change is pretty big.

The old one


New one

They also changed some cutscenes from the main quest sotoryline, additioning more details and effects, and fixing some bugs/weirdness.

Here it is… One hour video…




Is this really legit… o_O;; – like this looks so bad… I’m having trouble believing it’s not just someone who messed with their video recording. The backgrounds look like the same old textures were put through a brightness filter.

Where is the shading? people said it was dull & flat before but in that “new” it looks bright and extra flat.
As I skip through it… it only gets worse… everything is so bright… & technicolor??

This is so unfortunate. I really miss the depth and richness of the colors in the old one… man…
Looks were what had me into this game & they are easing me out the door. :frowning:

I sure hope it gets toned down or that they at least won’t ruin the other areas too. :sob:

(I’ve seen a lot of love for the new versions & that’s fine, just voicing my opinion – i know i’m not the only one who feels this way. No hard feelings to those who like it, honestly, just be happy and enjoy it I guessss!)

[[Edit: Like, the added plants & visual effects are nice but the other things I pointed out look a hot mess to me. – I suppose it’s wise that I reserve my final verdict for when i actually get to see it on my PC/monitor first hand.]]

They added plants, trees, fences, building all over the places and water has now animation which old one didn’t have… Every empty areas has now more detail…Imo the old one did lack lightning and most of area looked dark… The new areas look like there a sunset which i like personally. It has more atmosphere than old one… Yeah the video quality is not good compared to the old one but at least u can see difference…

I agree with you. The old one is better. This new~thing ill probable causa headches :confounded:

i like the new one
it looks brighter
the old one is pretty dark and depressing

not to say soon after this beginner level i need to go to the mine which is much much darker
i love the lv20-30 flower cayon

id like to have a brighter beginner area, and later when we explore, we will meet the dark side of the world. This makes me feel cool

I understand they want the starting area to look amazing to give new players a good impression, but i think this change could’ve waited until after the game is in open beta and playable for everyone.

Other than the brightness, i do like the extra detail that was put into the whole area, looks pretty good!

Yeah but Open beta gathers a lots of new players so its not bad thing. I love bright forest + sunset and it always gives me feeling of life… The dark was very depressive and It didn’t give me the feels… maybe its just nostalgia that Ro1 bright forest gave me… heh. Someone might like dark version better.,. I respect it… everybody has own taste and IMC cannot please everyone… Bright lover got just lucky…

I was starting to think I was the only one that didn’t like these new textures. I’ll play the game regardless, but man… what a major let down. The weird shading and all the plants moving all the time just freak my eyes out! I’d like a happy medium really. But I guess in the end I’ll enjoy the game no matter what…

Oh, let me see those new textures…

Nah, seriously now, I do prefer the darker theme but it’s not like the new starting area is as brighter and colorful as Tenet Garden has always been, and that’s deal with ToS, there are tons of different areas and the ones with the darker themes will make improvements in that way.

Since the starting area is close to Klaipeda it makes sense for things to be more lively there so that’s probably what they are trying to achieve with the changes.

It really does look that bad…Maybe the video quality does hide a lots of detail or something… The old one still have those dark shadow but the place has much stronger lightining… Not all of plant moving all the time… There are section in the map which has more details…

Here is one of comparison… I think new one looks much better.

Old one


New one.