Tree of Savior Forum

Started playing a few days ago, help would be appreciated

I got this game a few days ago and so far have 19 hours played. Most of them however, have been spent restarting because the build I’m following doesn’t seem fun. I’ve made my own build and was wondering if someone here could check it to make sure its not unplayable. Thanks in advance, if the build passes, could you also tell me what cards to bring for sorc?

I personally feel that elementalist is a c3 rank. I feel your build is a bit all over the place? Maybe you could tell us what classes really interest you and we can build from there? Do you like big AOE skills? Do you prefer single target? Do you want a summoner build? What is your purpose for this build (for dungeons or for farming). Maybe you could tell us what you want to achieve with this character and we can help make your build better.

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Thanks for replying, honestly not the biggest fan of single target damage, AOE is more of my goal with my build. I know I want to end with Shadowmancer, and sorc is something I would like to include. Farming is more of a priority than dungeons.

So I guess you would definitely want Sorc and Shadowmancer. There are 2 builds that you maybe want to consider. Others feel free to comment as well.

  1. Wiz2>Link3>Sorc2>Shadow2. Shadowmancer benefit a lot from link because shadowmancer do not have a lot of AOE. Linker3 solve that problem allowing you to link 10 mobs together and bursting them down with shadowmancer skills. Link3 is also good for parties as it has useful buffs notably lifeline and spiritual chain. Spirit shock is also a good single target damage. WIth this build, you could do pretty good damage on bosses with spirit shock and shadow thorn. Sorc2 is there to add on additional damage. Sorc2 also allows you to ride your summon when joint penalty is on cooldown.

  2. Wiz1>Pyro3 or Cryo3>Sorc2>Rune>Shadow2. Pyro3 or Cryo3 mainly to help CC and lock mobs in place. Pyro3 have flame pillar to stunlock mobs, while Cryo3 have frost pillar and ice pike to freeze mobs. This allow your summons to deal damage to those mobs, or you can ride your summon to use its AOE skill while the mobs are locked/frozen in place. Same as the previous build, shadow2 since it is what you want. Since there will be an empty rank7, runecaster seem to be more useful than other ranks. Runecaster give you 2 additional skills to attack. Rune of Giants is great for map exploraiton (you walk really really fast). If you go with the Cryo3 route, Runecaster have Rune of Ice that boost all your ice skills’ damage.

Shadowmancer unfortunately is more focuses on single target and not AOE. You can mitigate that with linker3 in build 1 by linking mobs (10) and bursting them down, or go with Pyro3/Cryo3 with more AOE skills (Pyro3/Cryo3 skills do not do a lot of damage though). Full SPR is the way to go, so that you summons get the best benefit out of it. Also, because shadowmancer SP consumption is super high, full SPR helps to manage that. When rank10 comes, you can go ahead and get shadowmancer C3.

Wow! This is all of the information I wanted and more. I’ll gladly take the first build, thanks for helping me understand.

That is some SP hungry build huh…

I would suggest you (since you are beggining your adventure) to simplify stuff. Wanna go sorcerer? Go for it. Wanna go Elementalist? Go for it. Dont mix a lot of stuff cuz in the end you are not going to get good at anything.
Also there is no need to delete and remake from scratch a character… from time to time imc let us reset our ranks. Cleric and Archers are getting their chance today and 10 days from now we gonna get another rank reset with whoever we want :smiley: (Don’t expect getting that every month tho)

Your build is viable, if you are having fun with it stick with it. But for sure it could be stronger with the right synergies.

As for your build specificly: If you wanna go Shadowmancer you gotta have SP. You can get it either with high SPR or dedicated equipment for this. SPR scales very well with Linker and Sorcerer but not so much with Elementalist. So… my suggestion is: either drop Sorcerer for Element 3 + Wizard 3 (great synergy) and go high on INT or drop Elementalist for something that scales better with SPR (linker 3, Sorcerer 3, thauma, Chrono, Necromancer…)

Sorc/Shadow is a high SPR build as it is, so as long as he gears/invests in SPR he will be fine.

hmm. guess my question is. do you want riding for Sorc, or are you fine without it? you could go wiz 3, ele3, sorc, shadowmancer.(littlesamson build) it will provide you quck cast and sure spell needed for elementalist(a lot of aoe), Sorc for having the summon + cat buff, and a strong single target skill from shadowmancer2. this would also allow you to do end game stuff too.

The build Icyruios said should suit u well, with the conditions u had. But u might wanna think about if u want Linker 3, or if u want to ride ur Pet with Sorc2. And instead skip 1 of the Ranks for Thauma. For Farming in combi Linker Link> Thauma Swell Body> Dmg from Shadow u could use it for Farming with Double Drop.

Not really, C2 is good, but without Wiz3 it’s trash.