Tree of Savior Forum

Stance on addons?

How to add addons for show ping on screen game ??? latency monitor plz addon

showLatencyPingDelay = true; ???


showLatency = true; ???

i wish know the comand correct for show ping on screen fixed.

i think ping meter is bad idea. it puts unnecessary more load to server and consider everyone using this it is as bad as ddos.

ACTUALLY, noā€¦ping is returned by the client by checking latency from time from the previous server response, not the server sending replies (which would show incorrect ping times due to the extra return trip being calculatedā€¦)

You can spam //PING and itā€™s not doing anything different than running 3000 pings with cmd > ping to the server, itā€™s not CPU intensive across mass amounts of users anymoreā€¦ping DDoS is obsolete on large, load balanced targets.

(I have //ping as a toggle copy/paste on my keyboard so I can see just how crappy the server is handling trafficā€¦)

This list is incomplete, but some of these addons/mods are extremely intrusive (Iā€™m looking at you, LKChat.) Any addon that is capable of tampering, altering,or misinterpreting data should not be a safe/green addon in the first place. IMC should just buckle up and face this issue already, but we all know the final verdict.

@DxDark: Do you even know how ping tools work? Ping tools ALWAYS check the connection to the server, and that isnā€™t done by magic; Itā€™s done by sending a ping package to the server which shall be checked; which results in an answer from said server. So please donā€™t tell me that a ping addon would not increase the connection load, because the connection is tested by using it.

Hi, IMC can you please says comment about addons like a MapFogViewer, because in serious they give small advantage over basic players, allowing you to explore the map faster.

And maybe you do something in style of the green list for allowed addonsā€¦


they allowed any add-on that gives you information you could get through the community, and since you can just alt tab and get a map on the internet, they wonā€™t punish you for using it