Tree of Savior Forum

'Staff Posts' filter?

Does the forum have this feature already?

It would be good to read straight to official replies from the staff. The League of Legends forums have something similar. Thanks.

I noticed the ‘Your topic is similar’ auto search as I was typing this. That’s a novel idea.

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There’s only really one staff so far.
So it’s easy >.< just look at his posts.

No i wish, a dev tracker would be a very nice implementation.

Here is an example discourse forum with a devtracker category:

Click Dev Tracker ->

It leads to this page:

Marikim sounds like a feminine name. Maybe ‘her posts’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

second this~! but hey wait, we need more moderators/staffs 1st :S

Oh yer. I was just commenting on the fact that we don’t know if a boy or girl to a friend the other day. And now I went and did it myself XD

Mary Kim? Kim is like a popular surname in korea aint ya

one of the feature i really like of discourse