Tree of Savior Forum

@Staff_Max, Un-ban me

tldr vers, i got banned for botting but the gm didnt ban the other bot


thanks for hitting the sweet spot

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you’re confusing the word “your”

No, I got banned for writing a simple macro on my Razor Naga.

In the mean time I still pay IMC money to play this game.

The botter sells his 87MM to players, undercutting the business of IMC.

Do you not see a difference in that?

Can you tell me games where using a macro on a Naga gets you banned?

sorry i know im not that good at english my teacher told me that already thanks for reminding me

go join the avidity club


Just this, in some games (not sure about ToS since i haven’t read their ToS) would render you a ban, just by the fact that they don’t want to deal with hacking cases later on because of account sharing.[quote=“daays, post:13, topic:311546”]
Since when is using a function of the Razor Naga bannable?

In online games it is bannable, go use that in SP/Off-line games.[quote=“IMCisGreedy, post:14, topic:311546, full:true”]
tldr vers, i got banned for botting but the gm didnt ban the other bot

Hit the nail in the head.[quote=“daays, post:17, topic:311546”]
No, I got banned for writing a simple MACRO

I took the liberty to point that word out. I don’t understand what part of the MACRO word you don’t get and it is not allowed, not only on ToS, but other MMOs also.

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you think you can’t macro in other games?

Most games have in-game functions that allow you to write macros in the first place.


You use no addons.

Wow. Going to go get a hat and tip it to you. This game is just awful without all the addons the community has made.

If it is in-game it’s the dev problem how players will use it, you are using a 3rd party software (Razer).

You can complain all you want there, the 3rd party software still there doing what it shouldn’t.


its kay he lives just next door to me so i know what he’s been doing all this time , he’s just playing TOS to kill some time but we’re both into WoW atm im just lurking in this forum to see how the game changes with the upcoming updates as i still want to play this game once it gets some improvements :wink:

I don’t see why it is awful, my friend don’t use any, and we play it since first iCBT, the only ones i use is Monster Frames and Monster Count (or w/e it is called) and if it does fall into the red zone i will remove it right away because one of them doesn’t even work properly.

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love the attempt @ “i wasn’t botting! I was using a macro (to bot)”

other games won’t ban you just for macros, but you were using it to bot in a fashion identical to 3rd party programs. So yea, rofl.


They don’t even ban you for that.

I have never been banned for using macros similar to this one in other MMO’s I’ve played. Never banned in Archeage, Aion, Wildstar, WoW, etc.

They don’'t care if you write your own crappy, low quality macro that anyone can fsck with in-game. They’re trying to catch important people. The ones cutting into their profits.

This is the first game I’ve played where it’s the opposite. They’re actively banning players who macro over botters who cut into their business.

dude, just send them a request ticket to unban you’re account discussing it more here in the forums would just get you trolled… just my two cents

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Using a third party software to get an edge or to automate your game is a bannable offense, and you got banned. Good.




For once i find it amusing to watch someone whine on this forum.
It’s adorable in a retarded puppy kind of way.


You might have just been lucky.
As far as I know Macros in WoW are only allowed if they don’t automate things. One button press = one action ingame is fine (and that’s actually what the ingame macro feature allows you to do) , but if you write a macro that plays the game for you or does more than one action with one button press, then that’s not allowed in WoW either.
But of course, you might be lucky and slip under the radar. I have a friend who used his gaming-keyboard frequently in LFR to let his char just do a simple DPS rotation, because “it was just LFR”. He knew it wasn’t allowed, he just did not care and he was lucky and never got banned. Probably because no one noticed and he never got reported. (And to be honest, I never noticed what he was doing, his char looked like he was just playing normaly.)


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