Tree of Savior Forum

Staff mages are very weak and dead, please fix it

Max atk difference is 612 for T10 Velco staff vs velco 2h.

Wake up to reality. This is not any 08/15 MMORPG,
TOS is an MMO where Clerics & Swordsmen actually deal damage, where Archers don’t have the highest attack range and where AoE in general is limited.

The developers created a game as they wanted it to be, and it does a good job being different.
Of course, the introduction of Scout was to do something about the whining Thief Class fanboys, but in general TOS has a completely different focus than you think.

Holy, another one.
If you invest in six 9 star gems, a weapon and a shield, their upgrades and transcendence, you earned every single bit of the additional magic attack & defense.

Why isn’t it fair to have more if you invest more? You need more ichors, blessed gems, velcoffer soul fragments, silver, gems and more luck just to be a bit better.

Think a bit of the requirements to achieve the benefits. It’s by god not easy to get all that, that’s why it has to be better.

IMC specifically stated they boosted the defense of shields to be worth the investment.

What exactly -50% cast rod mastery really benefit?

  1. Elementilist
  2. Rune caster (but they have their own cast reduction and you have anti knockdown during casting)
  3. Omny
  4. Other class but probably only 1 skill require cast.

If you main one of those class, you may opt for rod but it’s not necessary with cast is interruptible now. I don’t see huge advantage -50% cast in many wiz build.

Just make it 2k atk difference just like other 1h vs 2h.

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Taoist is only one skill, but it’s borderline impracticable to cast it without the rod mastery. It’s like a fking 3-4s?? That you gotta do while Storm Calling’s in place, and after having done all your overheats of Creeping Death and Eradication.

Casting time is just something that never made sense on wiz - like you said its only been present in those classes. It should either be in most classes, or not exist at all because the skills with cast times aren’t even tuned any stronger to make up for that.

Electrocute & Hail are in pretty rough shape atm, and while Meteor and Divine Punishment may be strong the balancing factor here is the CD, not the cast time. Then there’s RC… the runes all have mediocre damage when your factor in their CDs alone, but when you add in that cast time it’s just crazy. At least they get an attribute to somewhat mitigate that though.

lol, save strength bro , i dont know who paid you to kill us wizards, life is already misery . it’s a joke of saving 1 gem to become weaker, lmao

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“Wake up to reality. This is not any 08/15 MMORPG,
TOS is an MMO where Clerics & Swordsmen actually deal damage, where Archers don’t have the highest attack range and where AoE in general is limited.”

A: Even with the innovations and diversities of the classes in the game tree of savior as you say, the concept of the wizard staff user does not escape the concept I described about his role in the mmorpg games of the past. If you did not realize this sorry, but you are unattentive. I do not know if you read the updates, but the magician who uses staff, has a vit less than all classes, and this should be compensated with magical attack power, the famous glass cannon! With the update, the staff mage are very weak now, near the other classes mainly in pvp. It’s not just me saying, in Silute no one wants to be a magician who uses staff. If that’s what it’s supposed to be, delete the staff wizard class, Simple!

“The developers created a game as they wanted it to be, and it does a good job being different.
Of course, the introduction of Scout was to do something about the whining Thief Class fanboys, but in general TOS has a completely different focus than you think.”

A: Wrong, REbuild is here to prove you are wrong.

“Why isn’t it fair to have more if you invest more? You need more ichors, blessed gems, velcoffer soul fragments, silver, gems and more luck just to be a bit better.”

A: Shield wizard should be a type of hybrids wizard, but not having more damage than the mage who uses staff. I believe they should have a balance between defense and attack, but what is currently happening, is that they give more damage than a 2H staff wizard, and still have high defense. Erasing thus the use of a wizard 2H Staff. If this is right, we need to change the concept of wrong in the dictionary.
surely this ROD class should benefit by investing more, but in the defensive part and not in the offense surpassing the force of the 2H that was designed to be the magician of the high damage.

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possible solution

  1. staff mastery with 10% dmg or CDR or AOE ratio increase at least.
  2. 2k matk difference than rod at least.( with ichor/gems)
  3. staff got 50% casting reduction instead of rod, but lot of ppl who swapped their weapon will be imc’d.( not suggested)

None of the above. The right thing to do is to remove the stupid -50% casting time on rods. This absurdity has no reason to exist, as rod users already have the advantage of being able to equip a shield or dagger in the subweapon slot for more stats. Lower casting time should be left on Chronomancer as Quick Cast and implemented on items.

Better would be, especially because of the shield and gem advantage:

  • shift the -50% casting time to staff
  • apply the same -50% casting time to 2-Handed Mace
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